


The Internet Use and Internet Addiction of Adolescence




謝龍卿(Lung-Ching Shieh)


網路成癮 ; 網路使用 ; 網路成癮量表 ; Internet Addiction ; Internet Use ; Internet Addiction Scale




18卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


19 - 44




本研究之主要目的在於了解當前台灣青少年兒童網際網路使用現況與網路成癮現象間的關係,比較不同背景變項之青少年網路使用行為及網路成癮之差異,並區分網路成癮高危險群在背景變項、網路使用行為方面與一般網路使用者之差異。本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣中部地區954名青少年為研究對象,經施以自編的「青少年網路使用經驗調查表」、「青少年網路成癮量表」等量表,並且以敘述性統計、卡方檢定、典型相關等統計方法進行資料分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、受試青少年平均每天上網時間為118分鐘;使用頻率最高的網路使用項目依序是電子郵件(E-ma11)、網路遊戲和全球資訊網(WWW);上過色情網站的青少年有三分之一強,約五分之一曾發生網戀。 二、不同的背景變項(包括性別、年級、學業成就、社經地位、家中電腦有無)的網路使用者有不同程度的網路成癮現象。 三、青少年網路成癮高危險群上網時問較長、學業成績較差、社交圈較小、網友數較多、網齡不長。 四、網路使用行為和網路成癮量表各向度有顯著的典型相關存在。本研究最後根據研究結果,對青少年之網路使用與學生輔導提出各項建議,供教育人員以及未來研究之參考。


The purposes of the study were to explore the internet using behaviors and internet addiction among adolescence in Taiwan. The study examed the difference of addiction proneness and internet using behaviors of subjects in difference background variable. Subjects of 954 adolescence were evaluated by the instruments, including Internet Experience Scale, Internet Addiction Scale. The data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square Test, Canonical Correlation. The main finding were as follows: 1. The subjects used internet average 118.0 minutes per day. The most freguence internet using behaviors were E-mail, internet games, and WWW. More than one over third in adolescence had used sexual web. About one over fifth in adolescence had internet love. 2. There was significant addiction proneness among different background variable (including gender, grades, academic achievement, socioeconomic status, having home-computer or not). 3. Internet addicted subjects spent more time on internet. Besides, they had poorer grades, smaller social network, short internet-using history, and lager virtual social network. 4. There was significant correlation between internet addiction and internet using behaviors. Finally, some suggestions for teachers, schools, students and further study were made according to the findings.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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