


A Community-Based Experience Model of Mental-Social Health Promotion for Older People in Taichung City




蔡淑鳳(Shwu-Feng Tsay);徐永年(Yuan-Nian Hsu);陳淑芬(Shu-Fen Chen);沈舒華(Shu-Hua Shen);林湘宜(Hsiang-Yi Lin)


活躍老化 ; 社區 ; 心理社會健康 ; active ageing ; community ; mental-social health




62卷4期(2015 / 08 / 01)


19 - 25




活躍老化(active ageing)是世界衛生組織因應人口老化的重要倡議,追求增加「健康餘命」,減少「老人憂鬱發生率」是臺灣2020健康國民白皮書的重點指標。本文以臺中市為例,用城市治理觀點與實證科學的介入,介紹臺中市透過全市29區的焦點團體研究及老人憂鬱全市隨機調查,對老人心理社會健康評估,並運用在地特色,發展個人、社區及系統三層次之多元創新行動方案,以回應老人對自我認同感及社會參與的需求。方案如:「樂齡行動教室」是融入老人生活方式與文化的在地健康促進活動;另「高齡者活力秀」是透過社區組隊及舞台表演,以促進社會對老的正向認同與老人社會參與;而「樂齡行動導航APP」,則是整合地理資訊系統回應「高齡者需要」的在地資源資訊APP,透過有效率的資訊介面引領世代互動。臺中市的經驗模式,強調促進社區老人有能力用自己的方式活躍老化,以擁有心理社會的健康,能對生活有盼望,可以優雅老化。


Active ageing is one of the most important issues taken up by the WHO in regard to ageing societies. "Prolonging Healthy Life Expectance" and "Decreasing the Depression Rate among Older People" are critical indicators for "2020 Healthy People in Taiwan". This paper conducts a trial run of the program planning and evaluation of mental-social health promotion using focus group research that surveys 29 administrative districts and a depression survey that randomly samples older individuals in Taichung City. We also introduce how we apply local characteristics to develop the 3-level and innovative- action plans to meet the needs of self-identity and social participation for older people. For example, the "Learning Mobile Classroom" program promotes health promotion using activities that are tailored to the lifestyle and culture characteristics of target individuals. Another example is the "Seniors Show", which uses community groups and annual active-ageing shows to promote a positive concept of aging and to promote social participation for older people. Finally, the "Navigator APP of Active Ageing", created using a geographic information system, addresses the resource information needs of older people. This experience in Taichung City uniquely empowers older people, allowing them to take the initiative to make a difference not only for mental-social wellness but also for the hope of life and for graceful ageing.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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