


The Comparison of the Difference between the Emphasis on and the Receipt of Patient Privacy in the Hospital Setting




李秋桂(Chiu-Kuel Li);林秋芬(Chiou-Fen Lin)


住院病人 ; 隱私 ; 權益 ; inpatients ; privacy ; right




62卷5期(2015 / 10 / 01)


61 - 71




背景 隱私權是人類獨有的權利,加強病人隱私權的重視與獲得的平衡,可以讓醫病關係更融洽。目的 探討住院病人對隱私權之重視與獲得程度的差異情形,以提供未來醫療機構對於維護病人隱私權的規劃之參考。方法 本研究採橫斷式設計,分層隨機抽樣北區的三家醫院為樣本醫院,採用經信效度檢定之自擬「病人隱私權量表」為工具,調查符合收案條件之住院病人,以頻次及百分比描述基本資料,並運用t檢定比較其在對隱私權的重視與獲得程度間的差異性。結果 本研究共回收有效問卷296份,有效回收率84.57%。住院病人對隱私權的重視和獲得程度都以資訊隱私最高、生理隱私最低,而生理隱私(t=3.04, p < .001)及心理隱私(t=2.42, p < .01)的重視與獲得程度間呈現統計學上的顯著差異。病人基本屬性中的性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻、職業、醫院等級及病房類型等,與病人隱私權的重視及獲得程度有相關。結論/實務應用 病人對於生理和心理隱私的重視比獲得程度高;已婚、教育程度高的年輕女性重視程度較高;男性、教育程度低者獲得程度較低。未來醫院應加強病人的生理和心理隱私之提供,以提升病人對隱私權獲得的滿意度。


Background: Privacy is a unique privilege for humans. Enhancing the balance between the importance given to patient privacy and the receipt of this privacy by patients is one key approach to improving the relationship between patients and the hospital. Purpose: This study compared the difference between the importance of patient privacy and receipt of this privacy by patients as a reference for future patient privacy policy planning. Method: This study was a cross-sectional design. We randomly sampled three hospitals in northern Taiwan and investigated patients using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was self-designed and verified for reliability and validity. We used frequency and percentage to describe demographic data and used a t-test to compare the deviation between the emphasis on and receipt of patient privacy. Results: There were 296 valid samples in this study and the effective rate was 84.57%. The highest degree of importance was information privacy and the lowest was physical privacy. Physical privacy (t=3.04, p < .001) and mental privacy (t=2.42, p < .01) exhibited significant differences between emphasis and receipt. Demographic data on gender, age, education level, marital status, and occupation. Type of hospital and ward level correlated with the emphasis and receipt of privacy. Conclusion: The importance of privacy for physical and mental wellbeing was higher than the actual receipt of this privacy among the patient sample. The importance of privacy for married individuals and young women with high education levels was higher, while males and less-educated individuals scored lower in terms of privacy receipt. Medical agencies must provide higher levels of physical and mental privacy in order to enhance patient satisfaction.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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