


The Efficacy of Rooming-In in the Context the Physical and Mental Health of New Mothers




蔡碩心(Shuo-Shin Tsai);楊美賞(Mei-Sang Yang);王秀紅(Hsiu-Hung Wang)


母嬰親善認證制度 ; 親子同室 ; 母乳哺育 ; 母性角色 ; breastfeeding-friendly policy ; rooming-in ; breastfeeding ; maternal role




63卷3期(2016 / 06 / 01)


119 - 125






The Breastfeeding-Friendly Policy promotes successful breastfeeding by encouraging postpartum rooming-in and other practices that have been shown to increase breastfeeding success. Puerperium is a key transition period in a woman’s life during which she faces physical changes as well as changes in roles and tasks as she transitions into motherhood. During this transition period, postpartum women typically follow the rooming-in and breastfeeding practices that are recommended by the hospital. However, without suitable assistance, the physical and mental problems that often accompany childbirth may impact the postpartum health of the mother. This article reflects on the potential health problems that are encountered by postpartum women who adopt 24-hour rooming-in practices from the perspective of their health rights and proposes suggestions for improving these practices as a reference for related government and healthcare workers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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