


Smart Medicine and Healthcare




盧燕嬌(Yen-Chiao (Angel) Lu);陳麗琴(Li-Chin Chen)


智慧醫療 ; 醫療資訊科技 ; 智能服務系統 ; 人因工程 ; smart medicine ; health information technology (HIT) ; intelligent systems ; human factors engineering




64卷4期(2017 / 08 / 01)


26 - 33




智慧醫療(smart medicine)與臨床照護議題實在是息息相關,隨著科技時代的發展趨勢,顯然醫療資訊科技(health information technology)更是密不可分的複合性結構體,現今醫療環境之硬體與軟體系統相互串通與相容性,亦是重要環節。資訊科技範疇涵蓋e醫療工作車,生理監測系統自動傳輸,以及高精密儀器設備或人工裝置與資訊介面介接整合發展。2013年護理資訊系統模式演化(data-information-knowledge-wisdom),主軸架構為定義資料轉換為可詮釋的資訊,整合再轉化為知識與智慧應用性系統,如同臨床照護端先彙整以實證護理或研究成果轉譯為臨床實務應用之智能服務系統,促使整體性維護病人安全,更精進提升醫療照護品質。


Innovation and rapid technological development in Smart Medicine or Smart Healthcare impact profoundly on many aspects of healthcare. It is believed that Health Information Technology (HIT) has the potential to improve integration between care providers, reduce administrative costs and burdens, reduce medical errors, and improve care quality and patient outcomes. However, issues such as interoperability, compatibility, and integration are critical to effectively integrating hardware and software in order to fully realize the benefits of HIT. High-end medical devices and equipment, including medical carts / mobile computer carts and wireless physiological and biomedical monitoring devices, should also be integrated into the hospital information system. Furthermore, the Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom Hierarchy (DIKW) has been gaining popularity in the development of Nursing Information Systems (NIS) since 2013. To create a DIKW-based information system, data must first be defined and analyzed and then transformed into meaningful information. Eventually, this information is transformed into an intelligent system. For example, if evidencebased nursing research results / findings are integrated into the NIS to guide clinical practice, patient outcomes, patient safety, and healthcare quality will be greatly enhanced.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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