


Health Promotion Policies for All in Taiwan




王英偉(Ying-Wei WANG)


非傳染性疾病 ; 健康促進 ; 長者健康 ; 健康識能 ; non-communicable disease ; health promotion ; elderly health ; health literacy




65卷5期(2018 / 10 / 01)


5 - 12




1986年世界衛生組織於渥太華舉行第一屆全球健康促進大會,強調健康促進為一過程,透過增能之方式使民眾自主改善健康,2011年聯合國非傳染病高峰會議指出非傳染性疾病(non-communicable diseases, NCDs)已成為導致全球死亡及失能的主因之一,約63%的死亡與罹患NCDs有關,且其導因於四項主要健康風險,包含吸菸、身體活動不足、危害飲酒、不健康飲食等。世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)於2013年提出「預防與控制非傳染性疾病全球行動計畫」,聯合國亦於永續發展目標三之健康與福祉中,將NCDs防治列為國家未來重要課題。可知全球與臺灣一致正面臨人口老化及NCDs的健康威脅,亦使健康促進與NCDs防治工作越顯重要。本文以全球健康促進趨勢及臺灣國民健康狀況,進而介紹臺灣在健康促進與NCDs防治重點,期待透過營造全人全程健康支持環境,強化民眾增能與賦權,讓每個人、家庭、社區及城市都能共同參與其中,為自己的健康做最好的選擇。


Health promotion was defined at the first International Conference on Health Promotion held by the World Health Organization in 1986 as a process that enables the public to improve their health. Moreover, the United Nations High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non- Communicable Diseases in 2011 highlighted that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for 63% of deaths worldwide, with major NCD-related risk behaviors including tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, and unhealthy diet. In 2013, the WHO announced the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013-2020, with the United Nations listing NCDs prevention and control as a major topic for nations in Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health). Both Taiwan and the world face the dual threats of population aging and NCDs, adding to the importance of health promotion and NCDs prevention and control. This article first introduces the relevant global health trends and the corresponding status of Taiwan and then examines the major NCDs prevention and health promotion policies in Taiwan. In creating a health-supportive environment for all people and enhancing health literacy and empowerment among the general public, we hope to ensure that every individual, family, and city joins the ongoing effort in Taiwan to enable all individuals to make the best, informed decisions for their health.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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