


Exploring the Future of Nursing Education: An Integrated Motivation Learning Model Based on Virtual Reality




舒玉(Yu SHU);陳鈺潔(Yu-Jie CHEN);黃天麒(Tien-Chi HUANG)


虛擬實境 ; ARCS學習動機模式 ; 認知 ; 情意 ; 技能 ; 醫護教育 ; virtual reality ; ARCS model ; cognition ; affection ; psychomotor ; nursing education




66卷2期(2019 / 04 / 01)


22 - 28




護理教育主要目標為培育護理系科學生專業醫護知識、情意與技能,進而於未來與臨床工作接軌。護理教育的學習成效有賴學習歷程最初之學習動機;缺乏學習動機,則即使有完善的知識、技能甚至臨床學習的經驗,亦難以培育為優秀的專業護理人員。本研究以「護理教育未來式」為發想,提出以新興科技虛擬實境技術結合ARCS(attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction)動機模式之學習架構;主張若以虛擬實境技術建構激勵學生動機,乃至於涵蓋認知、情意、技能面向之學習環境。虛擬實境提供的沉浸環境容易引起學習者注意,而學習環境宜由相關的先備知識延伸學習,進而透過虛擬實境模擬系統中建立學生的自我效能感,強化學生持續學習之信心、與對學習環境與自我表現滿足。期望本研究所提出以虛擬實境誘發動機之整合式學習模式,能夠提供有意以虛擬實境發展護理教學與學習素材之教育工作者參酌,以建構兼顧娛樂性與學習價值之虛擬實境平台。


A key objective of nursing education is teaching the professional medical knowledge, affection, and psychomotor skills necessary to prepare students for future clinical work. The effectiveness of this education depends on the initial learning motivation of students. Amotivation presents a barrier to becoming an excellent registered nurse, even when a student otherwise has strong knowledge, skills, and even clinical experience. This research introduces a novel model that combines virtual reality and the attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction (ARCS) model. A key advantage of applying virtual reality technologies to enhance the learning motivation of students is that all learning-environment aspects such as cognition, affection, and psychomotor may be addressed. The immersive feeling elicited by virtual reality easily captures the attention of learners. The authors anticipate that this VR-based, learning-motivation model will help educators and companies develop virtual learning nursing education curricula and materials, leading to the creation of VR platforms providing both entertainment and learning value.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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