The sustainable development goals (SDGs), announced by the United Nations in 2016, now help guide public policy in many nations around the world. The United Nations has appealed to all governments and citizens worldwide to align together, taking action in each of the SDG dimensions of people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership in order to eradicate extreme poverty, inequality, and injustice; to slow / stop climate change; and to ensure sustainable development for humanity and the earth. Nursing is critical to achieving SDG3 (Health and Welfare) and has a significant impact on each of the other 16 SDGs. However, many nurses are unfamiliar or inadequately acquainted with SDGs. Therefore, this article introduces the content of the SDGs and the role of nurses in achieving each. In addition, we encourage nurses to exert their professionalism and compassion in realizing the pledge of the SDGs - No one is left behind.
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