Background: Middle-aged and older individuals suffer from skeletal muscle loss due to aging, increasing the risk of sarcopenia. Muscular dystrophy reduces lower-extremity muscle endurance. The annual incidence of falls in the community is about 30-40%. Falls contribute to disability and fractures, affect quality of life, reduce mental health, and, in severe cases, result in death. Therefore, preventing lower limb muscle weakness in middle-aged and older individuals should be taken seriously. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to promote community health with a focus on older, community-dwelling individuals. The effects of a lower-extremity exercise intervention on middle-aged and older individuals in terms of improving functional fitness, physiological indexes, exercise self-efficacy, sleep quality, and mental health were explored. Methods: This study used convenience sampling to recruit community residents over 55 years old as participants, with 50 participants assigned to the control group and to the experimental group, respectively. The experimental group participated in a 50-min lower extremity exercise intervention three times a week for 12 weeks. Differences in functional fitness, basic physiological index, exercise self-efficacy, sleep quality, and mental health variables between the two groups were assessed at the conclusion of the intervention. Results: The lower-extremity muscle exercise program significantly improved functional fitness, physiological indexes, exercise self-efficacy, sleep quality, and overall mental health status in the experimental group, as compared to the control group (p < .05). Conclusions/ Implications for Practice: It is recommended that the concept and application of lower extremity movement intervention should be popularized among middle-aged and older individuals to promote physical and mental health, prevent the decline and loss of lower extremity muscle strength, and help realize healthy aging goals.
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