Background: Drug-resistant strains of bacteria are associated with severe consequences such as bacteremia, shock, and death, and increase hospital stay durations and medical health expenses. Therefore, reducing the spread of drugresistant strains is a priority concern. Purpose: This project was developed to reduce the number of colonization cases of drug-resistant strains and subsequently increase the quality of care provided in our intensive care unit. Resolutions: In this project, a chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) bath standard protocol and CHG bath skill checklist were established, education and training courses were planned, a regular bed curtain replacement schedule and sink cleaning protocols were implemented, and regular audits were conducted. Results: Immediately following project implementation (October - December 2018), the average monthly cases of Vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonization decreased from 6.08 to 4.33, and the average monthly cases of multidrug resistant Acinebacter baumannii colonization decreased from 4.08 to 1.33. Furthermore, between January and July 2019, the average monthly cases of colonization for the abovementioned bacteria numbered 4 and 0.86, respectively, which met the level of reduction targeted in this project. Conclusion: The results of this project indicate that implementing CHG bed baths is effective in reducing the incidence of drug resistant strain colonization and rate of related infections in patients. CHG bed baths should be applied clinically to improve the quality of intensive care.
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