


Establishing Age-Friendly Community Guidelines in Taiwan




黃若盈(Jo-Ying HUANG);蕭伃伶(Yu-Ling HSIAO);陳鳳音(Feng-Yin CHEN);徐慧娟(Hui-Chuan HSU);羅素英(Shu-Ying LO);周紫筠(Tzu-Yun CHOU);劉芳(Megan F. LIU)


高齡友善 ; 高齡友善社區 ; 指引 ; 修正式德菲法 ; age-friendly ; age-friendly community ; guidelines ; modified Delphi method




70卷2期(2023 / 04 / 01)


84 - 94




在我國人口結構走向超高齡化之趨勢下,高齡化議題對於臺灣社會的影響層面將會越來越廣泛、劇烈,建立高齡友善環境成為政府當前重要課題。透過制定具有可行性之高齡友善社區指引,期能為促進在地老化之高齡友善福利措施提供方向。本文章透過7位專家群體意見薈萃,以World Health Organization高齡友善城市指南為基礎,輔以文獻查證並製作指引調查問卷初稿。其後,進行三回合問卷調查,逐步針對各指引之正確性、合適性及重要性進行等級評分,再依專家意見進行內容修正與增刪,直至專家意見趨於高度一致性。本文章建構出「戶外空間與建築物」、「交通」、「住宅」、「社會參與」、「尊重與社會融入」、「公民參與及就業」、「溝通與訊息」、「社區支持與健康服務」等八大面向、共38個項目之臺灣高齡友善社區指引,以具體、易理解之文字用語,描繪高齡友善社區之理想藍圖,提供社區第一線人員推動高齡友善社區之參考方向。


As Taiwan heads steadily toward becoming a super-aged society, the impact of aging on society at large will become increasingly extensive and intense. Therefore, establishing an age-friendly environment in Taiwan is an important issue for the government. Feasible guidelines for age-friendly communities are necessary to ensure that appropriate social welfare measures are enacted to achieve the national goal of aging in place. The first draft of the guidelines questionnaire was developed based on the World Health Organization Guidelines for Age-Friendly Cities, a literature review, and input from seven experts on aging. Three rounds of questionnaire surveys were then conducted to assess the correctness, appropriateness, and importance of the guidelines, with amendments, additions, and deletions made based on the experts' responses until they all expressed a high degree of satisfaction with all of the guidelines. The Taiwan Age-friendly Community Guidelines document discussed in this article includes 38 guidelines that address the eight facets of "outdoor spaces and buildings", "transportation", "housing", "social participation", "respect and social inclusion", "civil participation and employment", "communication and information", and "community support and health services". The guidelines document describes in detail the goals of age-friendly communities in specific and easy-to-understand terms. Moreover, it provides a reference for frontline personnel in the community to promote age-friendly environs.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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