Important concepts in leadership management related to the field of medical care management include servant leadership, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership. Since the 2020 emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, the world has faced the immediate challenges of epidemic prevention and control. Although national government and medical system officials as well as scholars have weighed in on this issue, their leadership does not appear to line up the core ideas of leadership. Daft and Lengel (2000) examined the influence of fusion leadership on individuals and organizations. The fusion of many nuclei of leadership intentions will produce great power and influence. To elucidate the concept of integrated leadership for individuals and organizations in the post-pandemic healthcare system, this paper summarizes the defining characteristics of fusion leadership based on the conceptual analysis method of Walker and Avant (2019). Concurrently, we confirm the antecedents and consequences of fusion leadership, use different cases to illustrate the analysis, and share the reference indicators and measurements of fusion leadership to provide a reference for healthcare system administrators.
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