Background: The 2005 revision of the code of ethics for nurses has been in effect in Taiwan for more than 17 years. Although this code has been smoothly implemented during this time, changing social expectations and ethical perspectives, advancements in science and technology, and the evolution of the nurse-patient relationship suggest this code should be once again be updated. Purpose: This study was conducted to suggest revisions to the Taiwan code of ethics for nurses necessary to meet current needs and address social and medical care environment trends. Methods: A multivariate research approach was adopted. The classification of the code of ethics for nurses norms in six international nursing organizations and evidence-based ethical and philosophical thinking literature were referenced, with the main notification demands incorporated into the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Nursing Workplace Controversy Reporting Platform. After drafting the aspects and provisions of Taiwan code of ethics for nurses norms, expert review procedures such as focus groups, Delphi expert consensus, and public forums were conducted. Results: After three expert focus group discussion rounds, a structured questionnaire was completed, and 50 Delphi experts in six fields completed the online questionnaire. After the second consensus round, the importance and clarity of the 47 ethical code provisions in the four aspects were determined with 100% and 99.8% agreement reached, indicating no significant difference in scores between the multidisciplinary expert group and the ethical code. The resulting revision proposed for the Taiwan code of ethics for nurses includes: nursing staff and care recipients (14 provisions), nursing staff and practice (13 provisions), nursing staff and the profession (10 provisions), and nursing staff and society (10 provisions). Conclusions/ Implications for Practice: In terms of education, the revised Taiwan code of ethics for nurses should be integrated into the nursing education curriculum of nursing colleges and used as teaching material for the continuing education of nurses. In terms of policy, these norms should be included as evaluation benchmarks and inspection items for hospitals. In addition, the attention and support of senior managers in institutions must be secured and a handling protocol for moral dilemma cases and related consultation mechanisms must be established. Nursing supervisors should be guided to develop the ability to address these dilemmas to help foster a positive workplace and a respectful team atmosphere. All professional groups should participate actively in promoting issues related to nursing ethics, organize seminars and continuing education activities, and make the revised Taiwan code of ethics for nurses and learning cases available online for reference by nursing staff nationwide.
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