


The Correlates and Predictive Factors of Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Resilience in Nurses in the Post-COVID-19 Era




陳秋曲(Chiu-Chu CHEN);李姿月(Tzu-Yueh LEE);趙麗玫(Li-Mei CHAO);吳姿蓉(Tzu-Jung WU)


後疫情時代 ; 工作壓力 ; 工作滿意度 ; 韌性 ; 護理 ; post COVID-19 era ; work stress ; job satisfaction ; resilience ; nursing




71卷4期(2024 / 08 / 01)


44 - 56




背景:COVID-19無症狀的潛伏期或感染早期即具傳播力,是造成醫護人員照護壓力而導致韌性降低。目的:探討韌性對護理人員的工作壓力、工作滿意度之相關性與預測因子。方法:採橫斷性研究設計,以方便取樣選取護理人員共408位。問卷收集包含護理人員人口學資料與工作壓力源量表、工作滿意度量表和韌性量表。以獨立樣本t檢定與皮爾森積差進行相關性分析,並以逐步線性複迴歸進行推論性統計。結果:共收案408人,平均年齡32.6歲,年齡分層以25-34歲佔47.3%為最多。在韌性量表得分為中度韌性。護理人員韌性為依變項,人口學與工作壓力源、工作滿意度各構面為自變項。以逐步迴歸分析與韌性的重要預測因子,包括:專業自主與發展(β = .468, p < .001)、職業危害(β = .163, p < .001)、人際互動與合作(β = .223, p < .001)、自覺經濟狀況(β = -.093, p < .05)、主管的領導風格(β = -.118, p < .05)、婚姻狀況(β = .078, p < .05),共解釋總變異量為39.4%。結論/實務應用:透過專業教育訓練計畫,提升專業能力;改善職場工作環境安全、建立團隊合作正向氛圍,導師與師徒制度提供工作支持、護理主管的關懷領導,持續辦理關懷與心理紓壓活動;並利用線上自填簡式健康量表,提供面臨心理情緒困擾之護理人員能尋求專業諮詢與關懷。藉由提升韌性措施應長期持續進行能增進護理人員心理健康,以提升護理人員照護品質。


Background: Individuals in the asymptomatic incubation period of COVID-19 are highly contagious. This threat of asymptomatic transmission contributes to increased stress among nursing staffs and undermines their resilience. Purpose: This study was designed to explore the correlates and predictive factors of resilience in the contexts of work stress and job satisfaction among nursing staffs. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was employed on a convenience sample of 408 nurses. The survey included a demographic datasheet, the Nurse Occupational Stressor Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, and Resilience Scale. Inferential statistics were conducted using independent sample t test, Pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple linear regression. Results: The participants were an average 32.6 years old. The average resilience score indicated a "moderate" resilience level. Resilience was treated as the dependent variable, while the demographic variables, Nurse Occupational Stressor Scale score, and job satisfaction dimension scores were treated as independent variables. Stepwise regression analysis was used to identify the key predictors of resilience, which included professional autonomy and development (β = .468, p < .001), occupational hazards (β = .163, p < .001), interpersonal interaction and collaboration (β = .223, p < .001), self-perceived economic status (β = -.093, p < .05), supervisor's leadership style (β = -.118, p < .05), and marital status (β = .078, p < .05). The model explained 39.4% of the total variance. Conclusions/ Implications for Practice: The results of this study support healthcare providers promoting resilience in several specific ways. Healthcare organizations should enhance professional competence through professional education and training programs; improve workplace safety; foster an atmosphere conducive to team cooperation; provide job support through mentorship and apprenticeship systems and caring leadership from nursing supervisors; continuously conduct caring and stress-relief activities; and utilize online self-report health questionnaires to enable nursing staff facing psychological and emotional challenges to seek professional counseling and support. Enhancing resilience strategies on a long-term basis can improve the mental health of nursing staff, which may be expected to enhance the quality of patient care.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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