Leslie Marmon Silko's novel, ”Gardens in the Dunes”, is an exemplar revisionist travel narrative that reveals multiple dimensions of its genre by weaving three types of action-traveling, story-telling, and gardening-with three related themes-mobility, seeding, and healing. Through traveling, different species and ideas are disseminated and hybridized. Through story-telling, the interference or concurrence of ideas, which are complicated with related socio-political values, are dramatized in a contested way. Through gardening, seeds of plants and ideas are planted, nurtured, inter-pollinated, domesticated, and absorbed into the local ecosystem and social milieu, impacting neighboring communities. Different kinds of gardens (kitchen garden, fruit garden, botanist garden, landscape garden) are managed with diverse gardening ideals, reflecting a diversity of cultures and mobilities. The means of gardening of plants and of ideas demonstrate how sustainable ideas help to maintain sustainable communities endangered by colonial and capitalist exploitation.The stories of the transnational and cross-cultural traveling of the white and indigenous mixed blood characters across national and cultural borders chronicle the scenarios of diverse and uneven production of mobility. The crisscrossing between routes of migration and roots of acculturation constitutes a relief map of cultural survival and environmental sustainment in an endangered mobile world. With the inter-pollinated implications of travel, gardening, and story-telling, Silko offers a global vision of ”interior journey” that articulates a sense of planet community and provides strategies for a sustainable community and future.
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