


Sakizaya's Name Rectification Campaign under the Perspective of Cultural Construction




黃宣衛(Shiun-Wey Huang);蘇羿如(Yih-Ju Su)


撒奇萊雅 ; 正名運動 ; 族群 ; 文化建構 ; 傳統服飾 ; 火神祭 ; Sakizaya ; Name Rectification Campaign ; ethnie ; cultural construction ; 'traditional costumes' ; Palamal the Fire God Ritual




68期(2008 / 06 / 01)


79 - 108




沿襲日治時期的分類方式,一九四五無之後國民政府亦將臺灣原住民分成九個族。但是自從一九八○年代以來,臺灣原住民即展開一波波的正名運動。這個現象不但涉及大社會的政治環境變遷,也反映族群是臺灣當代社會的重要議題。就原住民要求正名運動的過程來說,一方面牽涉到具有權力的官方以怎樣的準則來認定族群,另一方面則涉及族群運動者如何作為,以符應官方的種種要求,來完成正名的目標。 本文以2007無獲得官方承認為獨立族群的Sakizaya為例,觀察文化建構在正名運動中扮演的角色。換言之,切入重點不是官方認定的層面,而是觀察族群運動者的所作所為。除了解釋文化建構為什麼在此例中那麼重要之外,也以「傳統服飾」與火神祭為分析焦點,討論其建構過程、內容與意義。


After the KMT succeeded the Japanese colonial government in Taiwan in 1945, officials continued to apply the then current method of categorizing Taiwanese aborigines into nine groups. Since the 1980's, though, many aboriginal groups have launched name rectification campaigns and have called for 'independence' from their originally designated groups. The occurrence of various name rectification campaigns not only sheds light on the inadequacies of the old system of categorization, but also reflects the rise of the aborigines' own awareness. The Sakizaya's Name Rectification Campaign can be observed in this context. Dutch records from the 17th century identify the Sakizaya as a distinct group different from the Amis people. The decline of the Sakizaya was initiated by the Jia-Li-Wan event in 1878. After defeat by Ching soldiers the Sakizaya obscured their identities by mixing themselves among the Amis. When the Japanese started their ethnographic research in the early 20th century, the Sakizaya had become relatively ”Amis-ized,” and were regarded as a sub-branch of the Amis for both academic and official purposes. The Sakizaya's new ethnic group movement was initiated in 1990. On January 17, 2007 the Sakizaya gained official recognition as an independent aboriginal group. Rather than focusing on the government's procedures of ethnic group identification, this paper intends to investigate the strategies of movement activists. It not only examines the concept of cultural construction but also explains why this concept is so important in understanding the case of Sakizaya. Furthermore it interprets two major constructions in this campaign. The first one is the so called 'traditional costumes', which were invented as a distinguishing ethnic symbol. The second one is Palamal (the Fire God Ritual). On the basis of using the symbol of fire, this ritual serves to recall participants' historical memory of ancestors who died in the Jia-Li-Wan event and reinforce their Sakizaya identity at the same time.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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