


Report on the Small-Scale Test Excavation of the Beitou Tram's Yangming Park Scheduled Station




郭素秋(Su-Chiu Kuo)


青花瓷 ; 臺北水道第二次擴張工事 ; 草山水道系統 ; 陶管 ; 紅磚 ; blue and white porcelain ; Second Expansion of the Taipei Water Supply Engineering Project ; Cao Mountain Water Supply System ; stoneware pipe ; red brick




70期(2009 / 06 / 01)


109 - 151




根據本次於北投纜車陽明公園預定站進行調查和試掘的結果,可知本基地至少有以下兩個時期的文化遺物或遺跡: 1.清代中晚期:於TPI坑下層發現清代中晚期(約西元1750-1850年前後)的文化層堆積,出土福建中南部民窯所燒製的青花瓷碗、素燒硬陶大罐等殘件,及可能為丟棄垃圾的灰坑等。同時期的青花瓷器等遺物,亦見於基地內外的耕地和斷面上,可知本基地一帶在清代中晚期曾有人們在此占居或活動,而此年代亦與整個陽明山區的漢人開墾年代大致相符。 2.日治時期「臺北水道第二次擴張工事」(草山水道系統):根據本次探坑試掘的結果,確認了基地內的導水管線之材質為鐵管,其外層並塗覆有柏油,此鐵管的直徑為30.3公分,埋置於現在的石砌敷面下約80-110公分處,而此導水管線適位於整個安山岩石砌覆體結構的中央位置。而根據文獻記載,可知本次試掘的導水鐵管的架設年代在昭和4年(1929無)。


According to the results of the excavation and survey conducted at the Beitou tram's Yangming Park scheduled station, it has been determined that the excavation site area contains the cultural remains and relics of at least two different periods (listed below): 1. The middle to late Qing dynasty: Cultural remains from the middle to late Qing dynasty (or the period around and between 1750 and 1850) were unearthed from the lower stratum of pit 1. These remains include fragments of blue and white porcelain bowls and hard, porous vessels produced in folk kilns in middle and southern Fujian province as well as ash pits possibly used to dispose of waste materials. Blue and white porcelain wares as well as other remains from the same period were also found in the farmland and survey section in and around the excavation site. Due to these findings, it can be deduced that during the middle to late Qing dynasty there were people living and working in the excavation site area. The middle to late Qing dynasty also roughly corresponds to the period of the Han people's cultivation of the entire Yangming Mountain region. 2. The Japanese occupation period and the ”Second Expansion of the Taipei Water Supply Engineering Project” (Cao Mountain Water Supply System): According to pit test and excavation results, it has been confirmed that the material used to construct the water channeling pipeline found within the excavation site is iron. Tar coats the outside of the pipeline which is 30.3 cm (centimeters) in diameter. This pipeline is embedded approximately 80 to 110 cm (centimeters) below the current rock facing and is located in the center of the andesite rock-fold structure. Historical records show that the iron piping contained at this site was constructed in 1929.

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