


Pilgrimage in the De-militarized Islands in Taiwan




林瑋嬪(Wei-Ping Lin)


進香 ; 中心 ; 邊陲 ; 島嶼 ; 馬祖 ; pilgrimage ; center ; periphery ; island ; Mazu




71期(2009 / 12 / 01)


71 - 91






This article investigates how the people in the de-militarized Mazu islands deploy pilgrimages to reconnect themselves with both sides of the Taiwan Strait and recentralize themselves in the rapidly-changing Taiwan-China relations. In this new era, pilgrimages in Mazu have also developed forms different from those seen in Taiwan pilgrimages. Formed in the new regional politico-economy, they are a way of conveying the Mazu people's imaginations of, and engaging with, present-day changes. This paper argues that religion is no longer the dominating factor in these pilgrimages. The source of power of pilgrimage comes not only from engaging with deities, but also from politics and economy. Mazu provides us with an excellent example of reflecting what pilgrimage is.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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