题名 |
祖先崇拜中的文化變遷:以大阪台灣人為例 |
并列篇名 |
Acculturation of Ancestral Rituals: The Case of Taiwanese Residents in Osaka |
10.6152/jaa.2010.06.0003 |
作者 |
黃嘉琪(Chia-Chi Huang) |
关键词 |
在日台灣人 ; 社會變遷 ; 祖先祭祀 ; Taiwanese residents in Osaka ; acculturation ; ancestral ritual |
期刊名称 |
考古人類學刊 |
卷期/出版年月 |
72期(2010 / 06 / 01) |
页次 |
67 - 96 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
移住日本的台灣人,終有一日會面對老死的問題。那麼,對於下定決心在日本入土為安的他們來說,「祖先崇拜」到底是如何地進行與被理解的呢?綜觀現今的在日外國人研究,我們可以知道,大部份的研究重心都放諸在討論他們的出身意識與認同的面向上,抑或在強調他們是如何努力地在異鄉維繫他們的傳統民族祭祀。在日外國人研究中的民族祭祀的論點,固然重要,但是隨著在日外國人趨向日本化,我們應該更要聚焦在,當他們在接觸日本的文化體系與社會結構時,與日本文化結合的層面上。因此,本論文將重視此文化變遷的現象,並以筆者的調查地日本大阪地區為例,考察當地台灣人在祖先崇拜上的轉變,及其所引發的文化變遷。 大阪台灣人在葬儀、法事、建墓、納骨等的往生儀禮與佛壇、祭祀等的祖先祭祀上,與在日韓國•朝鮮人、中國人不同,並沒有展現濃厚的民族性,但是將出身姓仍續留刻印在墓碑這點的例子來看,也不能盡說他們試圖抹煞了自己的出身。可是,從「過去帳」的內容來看,他們並沒有把祖先和父母的名字寫入,他們自認為是移民第一代,而這種不受過去祖先祭祀東縛的意識,正是促使他們將新的日本社會慣習溶入自己生活的新動力。 |
英文摘要 |
People who migrated from Taiwan to Japan face issues concerning aging and death at some stage. How do those Taiwanese people determined to make Japan their final home practice ancestral rituals? Most of the literature regarding ancestral rituals by foreign residents in Japan, discusses identity and the preservation of their native rituals. More important, however, is their orientation toward Japanese culture. Therefore, this paper looks at how values concerning ancestral rituals have changed by analyzing cases of Taiwanese residents in Osaka. Whereas Taiwanese residents in Japan do not show their ethnic identities overtly in ancestral rituals such as funerals or, altars, Korean or Chinese residents in Japan exhibit their ethnic identities through their rituals. It is not necessarily the case that all of the Taiwanese residents in Japan do the same. Some of them, for instance, inscribe their native names in gravestones. ”When it comes to Kako-cho,” a Buddhist ritual item literally meaning ”ancestral book” and usually containing ancestral names, however, Taiwanese residents do not write in their ancestral names. Instead, they simply put their names in. This clearly displays their identities as the first generation of Taiwanese residents in Japan. By not binding themselves to follow their native rituals, it seems that they try to adopt Japanese customs in accordance with Japanese society. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
歷史學 |
参考文献 |
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