
A Reinterpretation of Maternal Requests for Cesarean Sections in Taiwan






官晨怡(Chen-I Kuan)


剖腹產 ; 台灣 ; 性別政治 ; 人為風險 ; 反身性回應 ; Cesarean sections ; Taiwan ; gender politics ; manufactured risk ; reflexive response




72期(2010 / 06 / 01)


97 - 136






This paper examines the gender politics of Cesarean sections (C-sections) in Taiwan, the country with the third highest Cesarean rates (C-rates) in the world. Public discourses attribute the high C-rates to the demands of women. According to my fieldwork, the Taiwanese medical system itself is responsible for high C-rates. Taiwanese hospitals enforce a significant amount of medical interventions that increases C-sections through social, psychological, and biological processes. Aware of these intervention practices, women request a C-section out of fear of ”suffering twice”, or in other words, trying to deliver vaginally but ending up having to have a C-section. I will re-interpret maternal requests of C-sections within this context.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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