


Exploring Social Structure of the Kunming Yangfutou Cemetery by Spatial Analyses




陳伯楨(Po-Chan Chen);張齡方(Ling-Fang Chang);詹大千(Ta-Chien Chan);張智傑(Jr-Jie Jang)


雲南 ; 青銅時代 ; 滇 ; 地理資訊系統 ; 墓葬 ; 空間自相關 ; Yunnan ; Bronze Age ; Dian ; GIS ; burials ; spatial autocorelation




81期(2014 / 12 / 01)


173 - 203






Dian is the most important polity from Warring States to Western Han period in the Dian Lake area of Yunnan. Except sparse records in Shiji, Hanshu and Huayangguozhi, our understanding of Dian all comes from archaeological discoveries, especially those large and complex cemeteries Since 1950' archaeologists excavated many large Dian cemeteries, including Jinning Shizhaishan, Jiangchuan Lijiashan, Chenggong Tianzimiao, Qujing Batatai, Chengjiang Jinlianshan and Kunming Yangfutou. These cemeteries usually include several hundred burials with abundant burial goods; however, the complexity of burial goods make difficulties for researchers. Some scholars applied several statistic methods in the analyses of large Dian cemeteries for understanding their social structures, social hierarchies and gender relations but none of them pay attention on spatial relations among burials. This paper applies spatial autocorrelation techniques in GIS to analyze the Yangfutou cemetery to explore the spatial distribution of burial goods and their relations with the social structure.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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