


Using GIS to Establish a Predictive Model for Archaeolgical Sites : A Case Study




吳偉鴻(Ng-Wai Hung)


考古遺址預測模型 ; 考古敏感程度地圖 ; 專題圖層 ; 人地關係 ; 人我關係 ; archaeological site predictive model ; archaeological sensitive map ; thematic coverage ; man-land relationship ; man-man relationship




84期(2016 / 06 / 01)


39 - 76






A predictive model for archaeological sites is a useful for the study of how natural and cultural factors affected the selection of living or settlement locations among ancient peoples. In fact, the model works as a testable and verifiable hypothesis. The predictive model has its roots in settlement spatial pattern and site catchment analysis and is greatly enhanced by GIS technology. Ancient people were closely tied to natural and cultural environments; by understanding these factors, archaeologists will be able to narrow their searches to potential archaeological sites. This paper demonstrates an application of GIS using an example of a site predictive model in an archaeological investigation for the Hong Kong high-speed railway construction project. In terms of natural environmental factors, aspects such as food, fresh water, raw materials for stone artifacts, landscape, elevation, soil, and wind are regarded as significant determinants for ancient people when choosing their living or settlement locations. For cultural factors, this paper is based on a comparison between existing Ming-Qing villages nearby and Ming Dynasty settlement remnants unearthed within the railway depot site to discuss how ideological systems affect settlement locations.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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