


Internet Matsu: Online Community and the Reimagination of Place




林瑋嬪(Wei-Ping Lin)


網路 ; 社群 ; 地方 ; 想像 ; 馬祖 ; internet ; community ; place ; imagination ; the Matsu Islands




85期(2016 / 12 / 01)


17 - 50






This article takes the Matsu Online internet platform as an example to discuss how social media have turned Matsu into a new place. From a peripheral set of barren islands to a military frontline during the Cold War, Matsu in the 21st century has been reimagined in various ways as a place with inherent value and meaning. In this paper I discuss three aspects of this dramatic transformation. First, I investigate the interface of the Matsu Online platform and show how different forms of media, such as texts, songs and images, have deeply embedded Matsu Online in the lives of people living there. In this way, a new internet community beyond the physical boundaries of the islands has been formed. Second, I discuss the interactivity of Matsu Online and explain how netizens can break up the tightly knit social networks on the islands to develop new online selves. Even if these selves cannot totally transcend traditional social relations, they have already ranged beyond the geographical limits of Matsu, connecting Matsu with Taiwan and China. The netizens take on independent existences which are able to cross the space-time boundaries of the Taiwan Strait, engage in social activism, and fight to reclaim land occupied by the state during the period of military reign over the islands. Third, I examine how netizens describe and imagine various aspects of Matsu through the Matsu Online blog, and show how internet technology has transformed Matsu from a military bulwark against communism into a place with its own inherent and unique value.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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