


The Juxtaposed Involvement of the Real and the Virtual: The Networks and Inventiveness of the Contemporary Maker Movement




邱誌勇(Chih-Yung Aaron CHIU)


創客運動 ; 社群 ; 參與式文化 ; 動態自造實驗室 ; 製造實踐主義 ; Maker Movement ; community ; participatory culture ; FabLab Dynamic ; maktivism




85期(2016 / 12 / 01)


83 - 107




在二十一世紀生活的普遍狀況中,人類文明出現兩種極具創意的議題,一是關注一種可能的當代文化與社會;另一則是關注於媒體系統的劇烈變遷,而「自造者運動」(Maker Movement)如火如荼的開展正是鏈結兩議題的趨力。這股由下而上的「自造者-創客」創新力量,透過社群連結、實體與虛擬的並置參與,被預言將在未來十年間顛覆傳統產業、社會、科技與教育等領域。「自造導向的創客世代」不僅使創客得以參與式文化(participatory culture)的風格,讓人類與數位科技的交會之處存在著科技空間的實踐,並體現於社群與科技互動之中。有鑑於此,本文以人類學為方法,輔以科技現象學理論觀點,以及參與式文化論述,以「動態自造實驗室」(FabLab Dynamic)為例,探究開放原始碼運動、網絡社群連結、社會設計的集體想像,與創客技術之間的並置體現,並描繪當代自造者運動的文化底蘊。


Looking at people's quotidian existence in the 21st century, we see two remarkably innovative issues arising. The first involves the exploration of a possible contemporary culture and society, and the second deal with drastic changes in the media system. Within this context, the wildfire-like Maker Movement has become the momentum which links up these two issues. By virtue of social networks and the juxtaposed involvement of the real and the virtual, the bottom-up innovative power of the Maker Movement is predicted to completely alter the structure of traditional industries as well as the social, technological and educational dimensions of the world within the next decade. The Maker generation embraces the participatory culture, introducing technological practice into the intersection of human beings and technologies, and also embodying it in the interaction between communities and technologies. Against this background, this article applies anthropological methodology together with the phenomenology of technology, and the discourse of the participatory culture, to the case of FabLab Dynamic as a strategy for the investigation of the open source movement, connections within social networks, the collective imagination of social design, and the juxtaposed embodiment of Maker technologies. This article also aims to establish a clear picture of the cultural heritage underlying the Maker Movement.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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