


Doing History in the Field: Historical and Anthropological Studies of Southern China over the Last Three Decades




李仁淵(Ren-Yuan Li)


歷史人類學 ; 華南研究 ; 中國史 ; 結構過程 ; 中國鄉村社會 ; historical anthropology ; South China studies ; Chinese history ; structuring ; Chinese rural society




88期(2018 / 06 / 01)


109 - 139






One of the most remarkable achievements of studies of late imperial China in recent years has been studies of local society that emphasize the bottom-up view and the use of sources from fieldwork and local documents. This approach can be traced back to the 80's when social scientists trained by western academics cooperated with Chinese historians to study southern China, an approach usually labeled the "Southern China School" or "historical anthropology." The central questions that these southern China researchers and the social scientists of their period faced were the same: how to understand social structures historically. What was different was that the southern China researchers were dealing with people more deeply (or least claiming to be) influenced by their historical past and having a longer history of interactions with state institutions. This article traces the core issues of this approach, including the historical process of structuration, and the role of local practices of rituals performance and state institutions in this process. It also discusses this approach from the aspects of historical process, historicity and historiography, which were dealt with by Emiko Ohnuki in her review of historical anthropology.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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