


The Memory Turn in and the Cross-border Negotiation over the Making of Jewish Heritage in Shanghai: Cosmopolitan Memories, Heritage Diplomacy and Urban Spatial Politics




黃舒楣(Shu-mei Huang);張皓鈞(Hao-chun Chang)


記憶轉向 ; 世界記憶 ; 上海猶太人 ; 普世化記憶 ; 襲產化 ; 提籃橋歷史文化風貌區 ; memory turn ; memory of the world ; Shanghai Jews ; cosmopolitan memory ; the Tilanqiao Historic Cultural Preservation District ; Heritagization




92期(2020 / 06 / 01)


71 - 123






The past two decades have witnessed a growing recognition of making holocaust memories a key in pursuing cosmopolitan memories in cases across borders. Existing literature considers the development of cosmonostalgia as related to the globalization of heritage. In light of this, we try to explore the establishment of the Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum and attempt to register stories of the Shanghai Jews as UNESCO Memory of the World as a point of departure to trace the development of the Tilanqiao Historic Cultural Preservation District, Hongkou, during the past twenty years. In recent years, the Hongkou District Administration has been promoting Tilanqiao as "Shanghai Ark," turning away from pursuing World Heritage towards Memory of the World and in so doing to re-articulate Hongkou as a modern cosmopolitan hub. Focusing on such an ongoing process of heritagization of Jewish heritage in Shanghai, this research tries to answer the following questions: How has the process of the heritagization of the Jewish heritage in Shanghai taken place and what is the drive for an initiative as such? How has heritage preservation as discursive practice been carried out to mediate the related cross-border negotiation, interdisciplinary competition, and challenges as a result? How has the process of the heritagization of the Jewish heritage in Shanghai left impacts on the everyday life of the Tilanqiao residents? Adopting content analysis of heritage planning documents, in-depth interview, and ethnographic investigation, this research illustrates the turn to Memory of the World over the past two decades. In conclusion, it presents the challenges of mobilizing cosmopolitan memories and moreover, the difficult situation in which local residents further alienate themselves from the politics over heritage for their aspiration for relocation by preservation.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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