


The Formation Process of Archaeological Stratigraphy during the Abandonment of the South Gate Wall of Old Fongshan County




鍾國風(Kuo-feng Chung)


考古地層 ; 哈里斯矩陣 ; 鳳山縣舊城 ; 形成過程 ; archaeological stratigraphy ; Harris Matrix ; Old Fongshan County ; formation process




93期(2020 / 12 / 01)


133 - 168




史坦(J. Stein)倡議文化地層單位,並呼籲考古學家將人為作用於地表所形成的考古地層從地質學沉積地層中解放出來,同時關注文化轉型與自然轉型並進的遺址形成過程。此一深具人為文化意義的考古地層,不同於自然地層純物理性的沉積原則,更反映著人們佔居地表的複雜作用能力。而哈里斯矩陣(Harris Matrix)層位分析系統,尤適用於複雜考古地層的紀錄方式。本研究採開放區域發掘策略與自然層位發掘方法,且應用哈里斯矩陣於發掘鳳山縣舊城歷史遺址的考古地層堆積分析,嘗試探究圍繞在清代城牆的建造、使用、廢棄、拆毀等過程,呈現地層堆積、疊壓、打破、填埋等一系列形成過程背後的堆積事件與行為意義,建構舊城南門段城牆的地層堆積與疊壓時間序列。同時,本研究方法能有效提升考古發掘田野上思考層位判斷與紀錄的系統性關聯,豐富考古地層形成過程的意義與脈絡性解釋。


With the idea of ethnostratigraphic unit, Stein (J. Stein) urged archaeologists to free themselves from the concept of geological sedimentary strata when looking at archaeological stratigraphy created by human action and to pay attention to the cultural and natural transformations during site formation processes. Rich in cultural significance, the archaeological stratigraphy is not always directly subject to the laws of natural deposition. Instead, it more strongly reflects the diverse forces and impact on the ground of human occupations. To document the complex archaeological stratigraphy, the Harris Matrix system is considered particularly desirable and applicable. The excavation of Old Fongshan County Historical Site applied open area excavation strategy, natural layer excavation methods, and the Harris Matrix. This research attempts to unravel a series of depositional events of strata accumulation, superposition, removal of deposits, and land filling that resulted from the construction, use, abandonment and destruction of the Ching Dynastic city walls. In doing so, we reconstruct the stratigraphic sequence of the south gate wall of Old Fongshan County. It is concluded that the Harris Matrix can serve as an extremely useful aid in recognizing distinct deposit units on site and in making systematic correlations of the recording of these units, thereby enriching the meanings and contextual interpretations of the processes by which archaeological stratigraphy is formed.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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