


Sun-dried Salt as Best Supporting Actor: Marketing and Innovation of Taiwanese Industrial Heritage




鄭肇祺(Eric Siu-kei Cheng)


鹽 ; 產業文化資產 ; 感官行銷 ; 美食 ; 非人行動者 ; salt ; industrial cultural heritage ; sensory marketing ; gastronomy ; non-human actant




95期(2021 / 12 / 01)


89 - 134






In 2002, the Taiwan Salt Works discontinued its Taiwan salt field operations. This decision represented the end of Taiwanese salt production. However, Taiwanese sun-dried salt re-entered the market thanks to heritage conservation practitioners' efforts of salt field re-operation, heritage management, environmental education, and marketing. Adopting the analytical frameworks of the social life of things and posthumanism, this paper explores the practitioners' recategorization of salt products and their extension of social networks. This ethnography first describes the heritagitization and wetlandization of former salt fields located along coastal southwestern Taiwan. I explain how the decline of salt industry, the rise of the Taiwanese environmental movement, and cultural heritage preservation have led to a new salt-field-wetland landscape. This formation has affected human-nature interactions. Next, I use the case study of Zhou Nan Salt Field in Budai Township, Chiayi County, to examine how its practitioners tackle different issues of salt industrial heritage conservation. I also investigate how and why they re-categorize salt. After that, this paper analyzes the experiences of the practitioners' interactions with algae and their perception categories of salt tasting to market their salt products. I also discuss how these people explore the market and attract customers by shaping the supporting role of salt in terms of gastronomy and its associated network.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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