


Integrated Treatment of Acupuncture and Speech Therapy for Post-stroke Aphasia: a Case Report


林伯儔(Po-Chou Lin);林正德(Cheng-Te Lin);阮膺旭(Ying-Hsu Juan)


中風 ; 失語症 ; 針灸 ; stroke ; aphasia ; acupuncture




24卷1期(2022 / 06 / 30)


49 - 68




腦血管疾病於民國109年為國人第四大死因,失語症為常見的中風後遺症之一,語言的理解或表達損傷常造成病人嚴重的社交障礙,嚴重的影響生活品質。本病例為一位55歲男性,語言理解與表達困難已兩天。於2019/07/25因身冒冷汗,怕冷,胸悶,頭暈與無法流暢表達而至急診就診,診斷為左側大腦梗塞(middle cerebral artery infarction),遂住院接受治療。病患意識正常,日常生活自主,但無法言語表達且聽覺與閱讀理解差。平素飲食習慣為重口味且偏好紅肉攝取,有高血壓與高血脂病史。菸齡35年,飲酒小酌。整體面色舌唇暗紅,舌質偏乾,苔黃膩,舌下絡脈明顯怒張。脈弦滑。中醫證型為痰瘀阻絡化熱,上蒙清竅。經中、西醫結合治療後,語言功能逐漸恢復,在簡明失語症測驗中大多數分測驗皆有顯著進步。


Cerebrovascular disease is the fourth leading cause of death in Taiwan in 2020, and aphasia is one of the common sequelae after stroke. Impairment of language understanding or expression often causes severe social problems in patients and seriously affects the quality of life. This was a case of 55-year-old male who has difficulties in language understanding and expressing for two days. He went to the emergency department due to cold sweating, chills, chest tightness, dizziness and inability of expressing on 2019/07/25. At that time, he was diagnosed with a left cerebral infarction and was hospitalized for further treatment. The patient's consciousness was clear and was independent in ADL. But he was unable to express in words and had difficulties in hearing and reading comprehension. The patient's usual diet was heavy taste and preference for red meat, and had a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia without medical control. He had 35 years of smoking history and often had a drink before sleeping. The overall complexion of his appearance was dark red, the tongue was dry, the coating was yellow and greasy, and the sublingual veins were obviously irritated. He was diagnosed with phlegm and blood stasis blocking collaterals with heat transmission and confused orifices in Chinese medicine syndrome type. After the treatment with integrated Chinese and Western medicine, his language function gradually recovered, and most of the subtests in the Concise Chinese Aphasia Test showed significant improvement.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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