


The Influence of Velocity on Brick Structure Vulnerability and Debris Flow Hazard




許志豪(Chih-Hao Hsu);曹鼎志(Ting-Chi Tsao)


土石流 ; 易損性 ; 衝擊力 ; Debris flow ; vulnerability ; impact force




48卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


137 - 144




於土石流事件中,土石流流速與堆積深度為造成房屋結構物毀壞之主要因素,然而於過去的研究當中,常見僅使用堆積深度建立房屋結構物之易損性曲線,故本研究目的在於找出房屋結構易損性曲線與土石流衝擊力 (流速與堆積深度) 之關係。當結構物受到土石流撞擊時,衝擊力可使結構物產生位移量,故本研究根據Haugen and Kaynia(2008) 之研究,計算土石流衝擊力所產生之位移量,並依據HAZUS(2003) 對於結構物在不同損壞狀態下之發生機率研究為基礎,建立磚造結構物在不同損壞狀態、不同位移量下之脆弱曲線(Fragility curve),並整合脆弱曲線進而產製易損性函數曲線 (Vulnerability curve)。本研究以臺灣常見的磚造結構物為研究對象,產製於不同土石流流速 (2~20 m/s) 之易損性曲線。


The destruction of structures in debris flow events is most related to inundation height and the velocity of debris flow. However, previous studies had established structure vulnerability curves mostly based on inundation height. This study aims to find the relationship between vulnerability and impact forces (velocity and height). When a structure is struck by debris flow, the impact force is transformed to the displacement of the structure. In this study the dynamic impact force of debris flow needed to generate the displacement was based on the study of Haugen and Kaynia (2008). The fragility curve of a brick structure to spectral displacement was based on HAZUS (2003) damage state probability studies. After establishing the fragility curves under different damage state probabilities, we combined the fragility curves into a unitary curve for different velocities (2 to 20 m/s).

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 生物環境與多樣性
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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