To facilitate watershed management in Taiwan, a procedure combining neighboring basins with similar morphological, geological, and hydrological conditions into 13 river basin districts (RBDs) was developed in this study. A mechanical approach that considers factors such as channel slope, valley confinement, and geological features was developed to divide streams into four longitudinal segments, namely mountains, alluvial valleys, alluvial fans, and plains. This study further classified streams in Taiwan into four morphological groups, namely meandering rivers, independent streams, braided rivers, and underfit streams, each with a corresponding longitudinal arrangement of river segments that represented a different landscape evolution. In total, 26 rivers and 92 streams managed by central and local governments, respectively, were classified into morphological groups, and streams in the same RBD could often be assigned to the same group. The analytical framework of this study can be applied to river management and planning to advance understanding of stream characteristics.
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