


Quantitative Differences in Water-Resource Conservation Capacity Associated With Land-Use Changes in the Zhuokou River Watershed




林鎮洋(Jen-Yang Lin);曾俊偉(Chun-Wei Tseng);楊啟見(Ci-Jian Yang);莊智瑋(Chih-Wei Chuang)


BASINS/SWMM水文分析模式 ; 水資源涵養量 ; 土地利用 ; 情境模擬 ; 降雨逕流模式 ; BASINS/SWMM hydrological analysis model ; water resource conservation capacity ; land use ; scenario simulation ; rainfall runoff model




53卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


43 - 53




極端氣候造成水資源澇旱災害頻傳,而不同土地利用對水資源涵養及功能調節有其不同程度影響,若能詳細瞭解集水區內土地利用變化對水資源涵養量差異,將對日後集水區經營或水資源規劃有所助益。本研究選用濁口溪集水區為研究試區,蒐集地文、水文相關空間資料並量化探討不同降雨量及土地利用對水資源涵養量之影響。利用SWMM進行2015及2016年流量資料之率定及驗證,模式之可信度指標均在可接受範圍;水資源涵養量與降雨量多寡具有相關性;情境模擬中,將集水區劃分為9個子集水區進行分析,發現土地利用變化以森林使用土地轉變為建築使用土地對水資源涵養比減少為最嚴重,最小則為森林使用土地轉變為農業使用土地,水資源涵養比減少分為0.25 %及0.03 %。


Extreme climate change causes frequent floods and droughts, and different land uses have varying influences on water resource conservation capacity and regulation. Research on the changes in water resource conservation capacity caused by the land use of watersheds benefits watershed management and water resource planning. In this study, the Zhuokou River watershed was selected as a research area to collect geological and hydrological spatial data, and to quantify the impact of changes in rainfall and land use on water resource conservation capacity. SWMM used the discharge data from 2015 to 2016 for calibration and validation, and the reliability index the hydrological model was acceptable. Water resource conservation capacity was associated with annual rainfall. In the simulations, the Zhuokou River watershed was divided into nine sub watersheds to analyze the effects of water resource conservation capacity under land use changes. The results indicated that the most serious reduction of water resource conservation capacity was caused by the conversion of forest to building use. The smallest reduction was caused by the conversion of forests to agricultural use. The ratios of reduction in the amount of water resource conservation for building and agricultural use were 0.25 % and 0.03 %, respectively.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 生物環境與多樣性
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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