


Feasibility Evaluation of Soil Water Index Applied to Large-scale Landslide - A Case Study of T002 Landslide in Chuchi Township, Chiayi County




劉宜君(Yi-Jun Liu);張鈺欣(Yu-Hsin Chang);陳榮俊(Rong-Jun Chen);嚴曉嘉(Hsiao-Chia Yen);陳樹群(Su-Chin Chen)


大規模崩塌潛勢區 ; 筒狀模式 ; 土壤雨量指數 ; 傾斜管 ; 地下水 ; Potential large landslide ; Tank model ; Soil Water Index ; Inclined tube ; Groundwater




53卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


176 - 189




嘉義縣竹崎鄉編號T002的大規模崩塌潛勢區,其地層主要由泥質砂岩及粉砂岩質頁岩所組成,地層傾角約10~12度向東北傾斜,具有順向坡之性質。一般而言,大規模崩塌常與地下水位之關聯密切,本研究藉由比對土壤雨量指數(Soil Water Index, SWI)與地下水位的變化量,來了解研究區域受降雨影響之滑動現象,及評估SWI是否亦可用於反映大規模崩塌。結果顯示研究區域內之SWI與地下水位的變化趨勢一致。因此未來若區域沒有地下水位,或是地下水位失準時,SWI仍可以提供地下水位的變化趨勢。


The potential large-scale landslide site (No. T002) in Chuchi Township, Chiayi County, is primarily composed of shaly sandstone and siltstone shale strata. The dip angle of the strata is about 10~12 degrees to the north-east, which is characteristic of a dip slope. Generally, the large scale landslide and groundwater had close relationship. In the present study, to understand how rainfall in the study area affects slide conditions, we compared the soil water index (SWI) with variations in the groundwater table to correlate the displacement. The results indicated that the SWI and the variations in shallow groundwater depth were consistent. The SWI can therefore assist groundwater data when lack of monitoring data are insufficient or when the data are corrupted.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 生物環境與多樣性
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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