


Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings and Residents for the Catastrophic Debris Flow in Nansalu Village during Typhoon Morakot




周憲德(Hsien-Ter Chou);曹鼎志(Ting-Chi Tsao);許志豪(Chih-Hao Hsu);李璟芳(Ching-Fang Lee);黃建豪(Chien-Hao Huang)


坡地災害 ; 土石流 ; 脆弱性 ; 淤埋深度 ; slopeland disaster ; debris flow ; vulnerability ; deposition depth




54卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


70 - 79




本文經由現地調查與災情訪談,探討2009年莫拉克風災時於納瑪夏區南沙魯里發生土石流之過程並分析建物及人員的受災情況。本文提出估算土石流尖峰速度及堆積土方量之公式,可用以評估土石流的規模。遭土石流沖毀的建物其室外淤埋深度介於2.5 m-4.0 m之範圍,而受損建物的室內淤埋深度與室外淤埋深之比值約為0.73。土石流之破壞力除考慮速度及淤埋深度外,亦應考量土石流挾帶巨大石塊及漂流木之撞擊效應。當室外淤埋深度超過2.0 m時容易造成人員傷亡,且女性於戶外之致死率明顯較男性高。女性長者及幼兒之行動能力最弱,應及早疏散至安全處所。本文並提出降低聚落人員及建物脆弱性的調適策略。


A catastrophic debris flow occurred in Nansalu Village during Typhoon Morakot on August 9, 2009. After the event, we conducted field investigations and interviews with local residents to explore the magnitude and the process of the debris flow. We propose equations to obtain both the peak velocity and the deposition volume of the debris flow. The outdoor deposition depths of destroyed buildings exceeded 2.5 m, and the ratio between the indoor and outdoor deposition depths for damaged buildings was approximately 0.73. The impact of boulders and large woody debris accompanying the snout should be considered in vulnerability assessments of buildings. When the deposition depth exceeds 1.5 m, fatalities increase both indoor and outdoor for residents. Both older adult women and infants are at higher risk when debris flows occur. Strategies to reduce the vulnerability of buildings and residents are also proposed in this study.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 生物環境與多樣性
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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