


Database of Vegetation Engineering Plants in Soil and Water Conservation of Taiwan




陳映妊(Ying-Ren Chen);陳天健(Tien-Chien Chen);林紘立(Hung-Li Lin);謝杉舟(Shan-Chou Hsieh)


植生工程 ; 植物資料庫 ; 水土保持植生方法 ; 植物生長海拔分區 ; Vegetation engineering ; plant database ; vegetative practices on soil and water conservation ; plant distribution elevation




54卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


150 - 163




本文蒐集國內189種常用水土保持植物,結合水土保持植生條件(特有耐受性、植生導入方法、萌芽或移植期等),建立植生工程設計用之水土保持植物資料庫,提供工程設計選用參考。因地形、緯度與季風影響,臺灣南北與東西部植物適生氣候條件不同,本文應用「林務局第四次森林資源調查報告成果」全島森林林型分布18,000筆資料,同時參酌Chiou et al.(2010)研究成果,依台灣本島東西部地形、緯度與山區樹木主要林型等因子,將臺灣山區劃分成六區闊葉及針葉植物適生之高中低海拔分區;再綜合植生植物特性及適生環境等條件,建置水土保持工程植物資料庫,期能增進水土保持工程之生物多樣性。本文進行三現地樣區調查以驗證本資料庫實用性,結果顯示其實用性佳。


A plant database that integrates the basic characteristics, suitable growing region, altitude, and engineering considerations of 189 plant species has been developed for vegetation engineering (VE) in soil and water conservation (SWC). Diverse climate conditions can lead to distinct growth and adaptation of plants at the same altitude. Chiou et al. (2010) reported that climate conditions differ between northern and southern Taiwan owing to differences in geographical location. However, studies have yet to specify an elevation criterion for defining plant growth altitudes across Taiwan. Accordingly, this study adopted the Fourth Forest Resources Survey Report database, which contains data on 18,000 trees, and considered factors related to topography, latitude, and primary tree type, as specified by Chiou et al. (2010), to develop a model for delineating elevation distribution of plants. The model was verified in three areas to demonstrate its feasibility. The results revealed that the database and model could be used as a reference for plant selection in VE and enhanced biodiversity in SWC engineering.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 生物環境與多樣性
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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