


The Influences of International Merger & Acquisition and Brand Name on Consumer Attitude - The case of Banking Industry




邱志聖(Jyh-Shen Chiou);謝佳宏(Chia-Hung Hsieh);葉相億(Hsiang-I Yeh)


國際購併 ; 品牌名稱 ; 消費者態度 ; International Merger and Acquisition ; Brand name ; Consumer Attitude




20卷6期(2003 / 12 / 01)


1123 - 1158






A 4 x 2 experiment was conducted to explore the effects of different M&A combinations between foreign and domestic banks (with low or high brand images) and different brand name strategies (using domestic or foreign brand name) on consumers’ overall attitudes toward the new banks. The results showed that other things being equal, the main effects of M&A combinations between foreign and domestic banks were significant, while the main effects of using domestic or foreign brand name were not. The interaction effects of different M&A combinations on consumers’ attitudes toward the new bank were moderated by brand name strategies. Similarly, the effects between different M&A combinations and brand lame strategies showed that the effects of brand name strategies on consumers’ attitudes toward the new bank were moderated by different M&A combinations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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