


The Construction of Taiwan's Vacation Lifestyle Scale - A Test of the Reliability and Validity Based on Multiple Samples




鄭健雄(Jen-Son Cheng);劉孟奇(Mon-Chi Lio)


生活型態 ; 渡假生活型態 ; 量表建構 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; Lifestyle ; Vacation Lifestyle ; Scale Development ; Reliability ; Validity ; LISREL




20卷6期(2003 / 12 / 01)


1221 - 1246






This study attempts to construct a domestic vacation lifestyle scale with rigorously testing the reliability and validity. A preliminary scale was first developed and then modified on the basis of an exploratory analysis. The modified scale was then tested against three independent samples. Five dimensions extracted from a set of 15 items can be obtained in all three samples. In all three samples, the relationships of dimensions and related items in the factor structure are as what we expect, and the test of reliability shows good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses of three samples all show good model fitness, and an analysis with LISREL shows that the factor structures in three samples are consistent. Regressions on vacation lifestyle dimensions and travel behavior variables show good construct validity, and an analysis with LISREL shows that the regression equations in three samples are basically identical. A further test with LISREL also shows that vacation lifestyle dimensions measured by our scale can successfully explain the differences in travel frequency and the expense on accommodation. The reliability and validity of our vacation lifestyle scale are strongly supported.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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