


A Study on the Effects of Customer Satisfaction and Trust on Loyalty




張淑青(Su-Ching Chang)


價值 ; 顧客滿意 ; 信任 ; 忠誠度 ; Value ; Customer satisfaction ; Trust ; Loyalty




21卷5期(2004 / 10 / 01)


611 - 627






Preoccupation with the ‘benefit aspect’ (quality of performances) in the process of commercial exchanges and negligence of the ‘sacrifice aspect’ (price) has been a major flaw in previous studies on the antecedent effects of customer satisfaction. There is also an unfortunate lack of research integrating the antecedent and consequences effects of customer satisfaction to account for the relationship of the three constructs - customer satisfaction, trust, and customer loyalty. This has motived the author to incorporate value concepts (quality perceptions and price perceptions) as the antecedent variables of customer satisfaction and then to explore the integrated relations between consequences of customer satisfaction and customer trust and loyalty. The purpose of this empirical study is to develop an integrated model of linear relations of effects on customer loyalty stated in terms of quality perceptions and price perceptions conceptualized as antecedent variables of customer satisfaction and trust conceptualized as a mediating variable. Also explored are the effects of the variable of segmentation on loyalty. A survey by questionnaires was used with a sample of customers of fast-food restaurants in order to test the proposed model. This study integrates two stages of the antecedent and consequences effects of customer satisfaction, and also incorporating the moderating effects of consume frequencies on customer loyalty yielded concrete results that generally fit the expectations of our model. Based on these research results, concrete managerial suggestions can be formulated to help related service providers develop relevant marketing strategies. The findings and suggestions of this study are as follows: 1.Our proposed model integrating quality perceptions, price perceptions, customer satisfaction, trust, and customer loyalty is vindicated by the total samples examined in this study. What is demonstrated is that the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty is the most robust, followed by the effect of trust. In reaffirming the key role of customer satisfaction in achieving customer loyalty, our findings support the traditional emphasis on the necessity of customer satisfaction for enterprises in paradigm models of customer satisfaction research. 2.This study has also identified the relevance of consumption frequencies. Our analysis based on a division of the fast-food restaurant customers in our samples into two groups—“regular consumers” and “occasional consumers”, shows that our integrated model is verified by the “regular consumers” group where the effect of trust on customer loyalty is strongest, and that of “price perceptions” comes next. However, our integrated model is not completely supported in the group composed of occasional consumers, for whom customer satisfaction is the sole critical factor influencing customer loyalty. 3.Our findings from the “regular consumers” samples indicate that they tend to act on long-term relationships, and for them customer loyalty is driven principally by trust. They are also more concerned about the “price” factor; in other words they place more stress on the aspect of “giving” or “sacrifice” in the transactions. Accordingly, the service-providing industry is advised to emphasize promoting positive price perceptions while making their pricing policies and promotion strategies to upgrade trust and customer loyalty. Meanwhile, maintaining and upgrading of service and product quality must not be overlooked in order to continually attract and retain the loyalty of their regular consumers. 4.On the other hand, our findings from the “occasional consumers” samples indicate that trust exerts no effect on customer loyalty, which is driven solely by customer satisfaction. Quality perceptions, in turn, are the only variable with positive influences on customer satisfaction. This implies that occasional consumers tend to act on short-term relationships only. They are more concerned about the “quality” factor; in other words they place more stress on the aspect of “receiving” or “benefit” in the transactions. Accordingly, service providers whose marketing strategies target occasional consumers are advised to emphasize especially on assuring and upgrading quality, and devise advertisement strategies with a focus on quality. In so doing, they may not only stay attractive for their occasional consumers but also allure new customers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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