


The Antecedents and Consequences of Ratees' Perceptions of Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal




羅新興(Hsin-Hsin Lo);戚樹誠(Shu-Cheng Chi);黃國隆(Kuo-Long Huang)


程序正義 ; 績效準則 ; 政治行為 ; 組織承諾 ; 主管信任 ; procedural justice ; performance criteria ; political behavior ; organizational commitment ; supervisory trust




22卷3期(2005 / 06 / 01)


341 - 358






Employees' performance appraisal entails two functions-organizational management and personnel development. For organizations, the results of performance appraisal can be a decisive factor of giving rewards and promotions. Also, the process of evaluating performance may enhance employees' attitudes and behaviors. Nevertheless, in order to accomplish its goals, an organization need to enable its employees to perceive procedural justice in the appraisal process. Therefore the elements that influence the ratees' perceptions of procedural justice in performance appraisal and the relationships between procedural justice perceptions and employees' work attitudes and behaviors are worthy of an in-depth understanding. According to Greenberg (1990), procedural justice includes two aspects, namely formal justice and interactional justice. Similarly, Erdogan and his colleagues (2001) pointed out that the procedural justice in performance appraisal consists two components: one is system procedural justice and the other is rater procedural justice. The present study proposes that the dimensions of a performance appraisal system and how it carries out may influence the ratees' perceptions of formal justice and interactional justice in the appraisal. Likewise, these factors may also influence the ratees' trust En their superiors and their organization commitment. This study utilizes performance appraisal in organizations as our study context and examines the antecedents and the consequences of ratees' perceived procedural justice. Employees from 30 Taiwanese companies were sampled. Altogether, there were 324 effective responses. Results from data analyses showed that: (1) The more a ratee perceived the effectiveness of the criteria in performance appraisal, the more he or she perceived formal justice and interactional justice in the process. (2) The more a ratee perceived his or her supervisor showing political behaviors in the appraisal process, the less he or she perceived formal justice and interactional justice. However the perceived political behaviors of colleagues in the appraisal process did not predict perceived procedural justice. (3) The more a ratee perceived interactional justice in the appraisal, the more his or her organizational commitment and supervisory trust. However the relationships between perceived formal justice and organizational commitment and between perceived formal justice and supervisory trust were not statistically significant In the end, we discussed findings both in terms of theoretical developments and of practical managerial implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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