


Stepwise Comparisons of Product-Related Information, Depth of Trade-Ins, and Product Replacement Decisions: The Approach of Consumer Perception




顧萱萱(Hsuan-Hsuan Ku)


產品資訊階段性比較 ; 抵價深度 ; 產品置換決策 ; 知覺風險 ; 知覺獲得價值 ; 知覺交易價值 ; Step wise Comparisons of Product-Related Information ; Depth of Trade-Ins ; Product Replacement Decisions ; Perceived Risk ; Perceived Acquisition Value ; Perceived Transaction Value




22卷3期(2005 / 06 / 01)


359 - 375






When a consumer who already owns a durable-type product in a category faces the trade-in opportunity to upgrade to a new, higher-quality product, the replacement decision is driven by stepwise comparisons of product-related information and depth of trade-ins. The first stage of comparison is about of consumers' past usage experiences. It is decided by the degree of consistency between expected and realized product evaluations consumers hold about the old one (trade-in product). The perceived risks and benefits of the new product (the upgraded product) should be a function of the consumer past usage experience. Moreover, based on the attributes of the new product, consumer engages in the second stage of comparison to differentiate its relative advantages from the old one. The relative advantages of the new product determine on consumer's perceived benefits, and in turn, along with depth of trade-ins, would result in impact on perceived price fairness, perceived transaction value and perceived acquisition value. Consumer's replacement decision then can be guided by the perceived risk and perceived value. Through a 3×2×2 between-subject factorial design on 383 college students, this study manipulates subjects' usage experiences (positive disconfirmation, no disconfirmation, and negative disconfirmation), the relative advantages of the new product (significant versus non-significant), and depth of trade-ins (high versus low), and incorporates in perceived risk and perceived value as endogenous variables; to explore the ways consumers undergo to make replacement decisions. Pretests are utilized to select a proper product category (i.e., electronic dictionary), identify the attributes and prices of the trade-in products, and deliberate the manipulations of independent variables. The experimental stimulus is presented in print ads supplemented with scenario descriptions. Respondents’ replacement intentions and their perceptions about the various endogenous variables are measured. The results show that as expected, buyers' perceptions of benefits or risks of the upgraded products are influenced by the disconfirmation between the expected and the realized performance they experienced about the trade-in products. In the case of positive disconfirmation, buyers expect the significantly higher benefits that the upgraded products will offer. And under such circumstances, the perceived risks they encountered are less evident. However, the negative relationship between perceived risks and product replacement intentions has not been supported. In terms of the relative advantages of the upgraded product, the study demonstrates that they have positive relationships with buyers' perceptions of benefits. And in turn, buyers' perceptions of benefits result in positive influences on perceived acquisition value and perceived price fairness. Similarly, these findings hold for the influence of depth of trade-in on perceived acquisition value and on perceived price fairness. As for the relationships among perceived price fairness, perceived transaction value, and perceived acquisition value, we have found that perceived price fairness is the major antecedent of perceived transaction value when buyers lack of internal reference price of the upgraded product. The perceived transaction value then has positive influence on perceived acquisition value, and in turn on buyers' replacement intentions. Given the favorable test results, except for the relationship between perceived risks and product replacement intentions, the study suggests that firms can enhance customer loyalty by offering the trade-in opportunity under such prerequisite conditions that consumers' past usage experiences are positive, the upgraded products have significantly relative advantages, and the depths of trade-in are considerable. The perceived value then is the major variable consumers concern in making replacement decisions. For inducing consumers to make positive replacement decision, firms should think higher of product performance, pay more attentions to product innovation, and deliberate the price competency to enhance customers' perceived value.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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