
Effects of Relationship, Switching Costs, and Marketing Programs on Customer Switching Intentions in the Life Insurance Industry






鄭士蘋(Shih-Ping Jeng);林其鋒(Chi-Feng Lin)


人際關係 ; 轉換成本 ; 價格 ; 産品多樣性 ; 壽險服務 ; interpersonal relationships ; switching costs ; price ; product variety ; life insurance




22卷3期(2005 / 06 / 01)


377 - 389






As life insurance is a highly complex and highly intangible service, the relationship-based personal selling approach is often considered one of the most important tools in the life insurance business. However, the extent to which such relationships protect incumbent insurance firms from new competitors and their marketing programs is still an unresolved question. This study develops a conceptual framework of how relationship and marketing variables influence customers' choice of insurance firm and test the framework empirically in the Taiwanese life insurance market. Conjoint analysis shows that interpersonal relationships between customers and service providers serve as a disincentive but are less important than both switching costs and marketing variables. Moreover interpersonal relationships do not play the effective role of switching barriers as switching costs do f the competitors induce switching byproduct strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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