Lacking of appropriate screening mechanism, the Internet becomes a channel for transmitting rumors. However, negative rumors may influence the sales, profits, reputation, and even stock price of the firms affected by rumors. Previous researchers have discussed the contents, formation, and transmission of rumors. Few studies focus on the denial effect or had not empirical evidences to support their argument. This study tries to provide insights into the belief reduction of the rumors that can help the firms adopt proper refutation strategies.
Enormous variables might be expected to affect receivers' belief including the personal characteristics, the tone of denial source, the source of rumors, and etc. In this study, we examined that f source credibility and receivers' affection toward the source would influence their belief in that rumor. Moreover, due to the difference of receivers' involvement, they may either elaborate the refutation message carefully or adopt the peripheral cues such as sources' characteristics to make the judgment about that rumor. This study adopt social judgment theory, cognitive dissonance theory, balance theory, and elaboration likelihood model to explore the relationships among source credibility, affection, involvement, and the effects on belief reduction.
304 usable questionnaires were collected from undergraduate students at three universities at Taiwan. In this study, we chose a rumor concerning about Microsoft auto-detect technique. It may help us to identify the involvement of the receivers. In the beginning, the respondents were asked to measure their affection and credibility either toward Microsoft or toward a professor teaching in the Department of Information Management. Then, they were asked to read the information (rumor) concerning Microsoft c auto-detect technique and measure their belief and involvement in that information. After that, we provide them with information released either from Microsoft or form the professor claiming that the information concerning Microsoft's auto-detect technique is a rumor. The subjects were asked to re-measure their affection and credibility either toward Microsoft or toward the professor. Finally, we show them the information again and asked them f they believe in the information. After completing the questionnaire, subjects were debriefed using the statement regarding the truth of the rumor.
Several statistics technique including descriptive statistics, t-test, cluster analysis, Pearson correlation, linear structural relation, X^2, and MANOVA were used for analysis. According to the results, 93 (30.6%) respondents did reduce their belief in that rumor, 164 (53.9%) respondents still remain the same, and 47 (15.5%) respondents even put more belief in the rumor. From the results we obtained, the denial efforts may be effective in reducing the belief in rumors. However the causes of negative effect may need further discussion. To facilitate further discussion of the impact of personal involvement, respondents were classified into high or low involvement groups. Results show that both source credibility and involvement have significant influences on belief reduction. And further, source credibility and affection have more influence on low involvement group than on high involvement group.
In order to further examine the effects of personal involvement and affection on denial effects, this study also classified the respondents into four groups, namely high involvement and high affection group, high involvement and low affection group, low involvement and high affection group, low involvement and low affection group. Through multiple comparisons, we find that respondents reduced their belief in that rumor not only relied on their initial involvement or affection status. Those who are in the high involvement and high affection group are easily changing their on the rumor or shifting their affection toward the denial source.
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