


Management of Discretions Excised by Frontline Employees: The Roles of Stressors, Coping Resources and Affective Commitment




林少龍(Shao-Lung Lin)


處置行為 ; 壓力源 ; 工作控制 ; 社會支持 ; 情感承諾 ; discretion ; stressors ; job control ; social support ; affective commitment




23卷3期(2006 / 06 / 01)


367 - 388






To understand mechanisms that govern the discretion excised by frontline employees, the study developed and examined the model that interlinked stressors (work overload, role ambiguity and role conflict,), coping resources (job control, supervisor support and coworker support), affective commitment and discretions. Data were provided by 170 salespersons. The results revealed that (1) all of stressors, coping resources and affective commitment did not influence routine discretion but affected creative and deviant discretion through different paths including direct, intervening and interactive effects; (2) affective commitment and role conflict were key factors that directly influenced discretions. Supervisor support, coworker support, and role ambiguity affected discretion mainly through affective commitment. Job control and work overload influence discretions through interactive effects; (3) coping resources were important interactive variables and the interaction indicated both buffering and enhancing effects. The implications for theory and practice regarding management of discretions exercised by frontline employees were discussed. How to determine service positioning has been an important issue pertaining to competitive advantage. In the field of service marketing, researchers have considered standardization and customization as two service-positioning strategies (Anderson, Fornell & Rust, 1994; Levitt, 1972, 1976; Suprenant & Solomon, 1987; Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry, 1985). Stostack (1987) noted that divergence considered the amount of discretions allowed or inherent in the task related to service delivery. She concluded that standardization would require lower divergence in service delivery process and customization would require higher divergence. Kelley (1993) proposed three distinct types of discretions as routine, creative and deviant discretion. Different amount of divergence would result in the exercise of various types of discretions. Therefore, service-positioning strategy determined the discretions exercised by frontline employees. Moreover, how to manage frontline employees to exercise the appropriate discretions would be a key issue of effectively implementing service-positioning strategy Though the issue was important, few studies have explored the antecedents of discretions. Kelly (1993), and Kelley, Longfellow and Malehorn (1996) were two exceptions. Kelley (1993) developed a theoretical framework including organizational and individual antecedents of discretions. Kelley et al. (1996) investigated the organizational determinants of discretions. However, no empirical attention has drawn about individual factors. This research considered the influence of the individual factors, including stressors, coping resources, affective commitment, on discretions exercised by frontline employees. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop and examine the model that interlinked stressors, coping resources, affective commitment and discretions in order to understand mechanisms that govern the exercise of discretion. In the mold, stressors (job overload, role ambiguity and role conflict) were the independent variables; coping resources (job control, supervisor support and coworker support,) were both independent and moderating variables; affective commitment was intervening variable, and three types of discretions were the dependent variables. Data were provided by 170 salespersons. The results revealed that (1) all of stressors, coping resources and affective commitment did not influence routine discretion but affected creative and deviant discretion through different paths including direct, intervening and interactive effects; (2) affective commitment and role conflict were key factors that directly influenced discretions. Both positively affected creative discretion but negatively affected deviant discretion. Supervisor and coworker support (positively negatively), and role ambiguity (negatively positively) affected (creative deviant) discretion mainly through affective commitment. Supervisor support buffered the relationship between work overload and affective commitment. Job control (coworker support) enhanced the relationship between work overload (role ambiguity) and deviant discretion; (3) coping resources were important interactive variables and the interaction indicated both buffering and enhancing effects. To managerial practices, the findings suggest that managers should avoid high role conflict to reduce the exercise of deviant discretion but maintain moderate conflict to enhance creative discretion. In addition, supervisor support reduces deviant discretion but enhances creative discretion through both direct and indirect effects. How ever job control and coworker support enhance the deviant discretion through interactive effects. Thus, managers should increase the supervisor support but reduce the job control and coworker support in managing the discretions excised by salespersons whose works were done outside the office. Finally, because affective commitment positively influences creative discretion and negatively affects deviant discretion, managers should try to improve any positive determinants of commitment and to diminish those negative factors in order to manage effectively the exercise of discretions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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