


An Information Integration Research on Citizen and Government's Perception of the Fairness Measurement of Policy Outcomes: The Case of Dengue Fever Prevention and Control in Taiwan




陳正料(Cheng-Liaou Chen);汪明生(Ming-Shen Wang);陳建寧(Chein-Ning Chen);王鳳蘭(Feng-Lan Wang)


公平衡量 ; 功能衡量 ; 不公平模式 ; 資訊整合理論 ; 人際顯著 ; fairness measurement ; functional measurement ; unfairness model ; IIT ; interpersonal salience




23卷5期(2006 / 10 / 01)


623 - 647




國內對登革熱防治績效多從公衛觀點,採流行病學調查方式,以单構面産出值(如病媒蚊指數)來衡量結果,忽略防治潛藏與固有之多元性;在缺乏共同比較基礎下,防治結果無法為民衆所普遍接受。如果無法解決政策本質多元引起的價值衝突問題,也無一種工具來整合不同個別價值系統,則對政策結果進行衡量將無任何意義,也無法顯示政策全部績效(Anderson, 1996:57)。本研究採取資訊整合理論「公平衡量」研究途徑,以「登革熱防治」為例,從「功能衡量」觀點設計心理實驗,對流行地區民衆與基層防疫官員兩種主要利害關係人進行實驗,蒐集彼等有關防治結果的多元資訊,以「認知代數」建構結果資訊處理模式來衡量防治績效。這是一種讓涉入的各利害關係人均能接受的衡量方法,能解決多元認知引發的價值衝突與衡量標準不一致難題。研究結果發現:民衆以「相加與平均」模式整合防治資訊,迥異於歐美民衆(相乘),定位出台灣民衆知識價值與對公衛政策認知系統;年齡對防治熱誠與努力産生直接影響,型塑民衆對防治結果的心理認知評價。都會區民意壓力效高,防治績效明顯較佳,鄉鎮區則相反;居住方式與登革熱流行明顯相關,生活空間大小與感染風險呈正相關。有關登革熱防治,民衆較在意政府投入之努力與認真程度、而非其技術或能力,民衆對不公平感覺反應達高於官員;防治資訊之性質差異會出現人際顯著現象,顯示登革熱防治議題具高度社會互動性。


It often appears some cognitive conflicts between citizen and government when evaluating the policy outcomes performance about Dengue fever prevention and control, since existed some characteristics in the input and outcome dimension, it include multi-involvers, multi-goals, multi-values and subjective judgement. We taked the unfairness measurement approach of the Information Integration Theory (IIT) to explore the policy outcome performance about Dengue Fever (classic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever) prevention. In this way, we constructed an algebraic model, namely ”Dengue Fever Basic Unfairness Measurement Model,” with accrute empirical test and validity criteria. According to the way of the factorial graph patterns and statistical interaction test of the model, we may analyze and collect these multiple information of policy outcomes (Anderson, 1996). We obtained some important findings, it include: Ⅰ. The citizen integrated the information of Dengue fever prevention outcomes by 'adding' and 'averging' model, it was different with the U.S. mode and it had important policy implications. Ⅱ. The motivation of the governer's devoted to prevention tasks was the most important factor of outcome performance evaluation, and this had important cognitive implication. Ⅲ. According to the differences of the information quality from the Dengue Fever prevention, there was an interpersonal salience about the evaluation of the policy outcome performance. Ⅳ. It showed that highly the corelation between the habitant's life modes and the prevention outcomes performance, this implied that the implicit social meaning of Dengue Fever prevention were interpersonal interaction. Ⅴ. The citizen's perception of the unfairness measurement for the policy outcome performance of Dengue Fever prevention were higher than the government's.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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