


Take-or-Pay Supply Chain Contract under Market Price Volatility




蔣明晃(David Chiang);郭瑞祥(Ruey-Shan Guo);陳明賢(Ming-Hsien Chen);白凢芸(Fan-Yun Pai)


承受或墊償契約 ; 最低承諾購買量 ; 二項式評價模型 ; Take-or-pay Contract ; Minimum Commitment ; CRR Model




24卷1期(2007 / 02 / 01)


1 - 16






In the rapidly changed supply chain system, companies have to make decisions under many uncertainties. Thus, they often try to reduce risks by signing contracts. Due to their products can't be preserved for a long period of time, capital intensive and energetic industries need to use contracts to avert risks especially. Therefore, it has developed kinds of supply contracts such as quantity flexibility supply contracts and option-based supply contracts. In these kinds of industries, besides contracting with a specific supplier, there usually exists a spot market. This market can give buyers more flexibility and provide sellers a new way to resell excess products. In financial field, it has been a long time to develop contracts to reduce risks. Nevertheless, most of relative researches assumed deterministic demand and took buyers' point of view to evaluate contracts. In this thesis, we try to play the role of the contract provider, that is, the seller, and design a contract which is beneficial both to buyers and sellers. First, we assume that market price is a random variable which follows Geometric Brownian Motion. We then model a take-or-pay contract based on the scenario that a spot market exists and a buyer can purchase twice for a period of time. The buyer's and seller's expected profit model are constructed respectively. An optimal take-or-pay contract is defined to maximize seller's profit; meanwhile the buyer's expected contract value must be positive. An example is, then, provided to derive the optimal take-or-pay contract. After constructing the model, parameter analysis is conducted. Although the initial market price, penalty payment, minimum commitment quantity and volatility of spot market price are the critical factors for contract design, the initial market price can not be manipulated by the buyer or the seller. Thus, we simply analyze the impact of penalty payment, the minimum commitment quantity and volatility of spot market price with respect to the expected contract value for the buyer and the expected profit for the seller. Finally, an experimental design is employed to determine which factor has the greatest impact on the seller's profit. This study employs a 2 (standard deviation of the market price: high and low level) × 2 (minimum commitment quantity: high and low level) × 2 (discount rate: high and low level) × 2 (penalty payment: high and low level) design. ANOVA analysis results indicates that the main effect of all the four factor and the interaction of the standard deviation of the market price and penalty payment have the significant impact on the seller's profit. Regression analysis is also conducted and managerial insights are given accordingly. Through the research, we demonstrate that take-or-pay contracts not only enable buyers and sellers to avert risks but also offer them more decision flexibility. By properly manipulating minimum commitment and penalty payment, take-or pay contracts can help increase both buyers' and sellers' profit significantly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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