


A Holistic Comparison between Sun Tzu's Strategic Wisdom and Western Strategic Management Thoughts




徐木蘭(Mu-Lan Hsu);歐陽惠華(Hui Hua Ouyang);洪光宗(Guang-Chu Hung);陳必碩(Pi-So Chen)


孫子兵法 ; 策略管理 ; 內容分析法 ; Sun Tzu's Art of War ; strategy management ; content analysis




24卷6期(2007 / 12 / 01)


603 - 620




《孫子兵法》雖被歸類為兵書,然自古以來即受到不同領域的重視,其在管理上的應用亦早已受到世界各國的重視。本研究有感於孫子兵法在當代管理領域上的研究雖然廣泛,然大多止於實務應用範疇的論述探討,也缺乏較嚴謹的研究方法為基礎,因此希冀透過內容分析法與比較性研究途徑,將之與當代策略管理理論進行對照式分析。本研究以Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, & Lampel(2005)的策略管理學派分析構面作為兩者對照比較分析之基準。分析結果顯示,孫子兵法所揭示的策略管理本質不僅與規劃、設計和定位等學派的觀點相符,同時也與認知、環境、形構等學派觀點重疊。然而,從各構面的比較分析結果也顯示,由於孫子兵法著重以領導者為策略核心的觀點,忽視組織內相關變數對策略成形的重要影響,故而其在當代策略管理實務上的應用仍有侷限性。


Sun Tzu, the Art of Warfare, is an ancient Chinese book, heralded as a literary masterpiece. Both military experts and academic scholars have commonly applied Sun Tzu's strategic wisdom to guide decisions they make. Much academic research related to Sun Tzu has been initiated from humanistic approach. Today, western strategic management and other theoretical models are appropriate to compare with long last ancient Chinese strategic concept. Although Sun Tzu's strategic wisdom has been researched by many management scholars, little has been examined through social science approach. This paper examines Sun Tzu's strategic wisdom by content analysis and offers a comparison with western managerial theories. This approach will enhance the understanding of Sun Tzu's concept, and make the application of Sun Tzu's wisdom in business strategic management more practical. The results of this paper indicate that Sun Tzu's strategic wisdom could apply to the western strategic school of planning, designing, and positioning as well as to the cognitive, environmental and conceptual school. However, we should aware that Sun Tzu's strategic concept emphasize on leader's point of view, thus missing the consideration of the influence of organizational aspects on decision making and this limitation should invites further examination of the ancient Chinese strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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