In order to appropriately evaluate Chinese small firm marketing, we propose using a three-stage contextual stepwise approach, which builds and advances small firm marketing theory by blending both qualitative and quantitative research approaches and techniques, to analyze small firms in Taiwan. This study also re-visits the contextual stepwise approach by following its three-stage structure and recommends changes for each stage.
The three-stage contextual stepwise approach is useful to research on small firm marketing. However, the research methods listed in the contextual stepwise approach are content analysis, mail survey and personal interview only. Other qualitative and quantitative research methods, or specifically the reliability and validity of the qualitative approaches, are not examined. Also, the contextual stepwise approach does not consider adequately the impacts of institutional factors upon small firm operations, nor how should research approaches be changed in order to collect information effectively. The contextual stepwise approach only provides researchers with a more ”emic” or culture-specific insight into Chinese small firm marketing, but fails to acknowledge the importance of 'contextual embeddedness' of small firm research in other countries.
Following the three-stage contextual stepwise approach, this study reviews the characteristics and limitations on each stage, and provides suggestion on undertaking contextual research into small firms in Taiwan. At Stage One of the exploration research, content analysis technique was used. Prior researches of small firms in Taiwan during 1984-1999 were examined and categorized into research objective, data collective method, and analytical instrument. The results of this stage provide a bird's eye view on small firm research directions in Taiwan. Based on the outcome of Stage One, marketing issues and practices, which were valued by practitioners rather than by academic researchers, were tested empirically by mailing questionnaire and quantitative analysis at Stage Two. The results of Stage Two show that marketing practices in small firms in Taiwan are different from their Western counterparts. The results provide broader understanding on small firms in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and indicate the differences on marketing decision-making, product sales, and the degree of competitiveness on company performance. With interviewees’ permission from Stage Two, this study implements in-depth interview at Stage Three. This qualitative research method provides detailed understanding on the contextual background. The results show that government intervention, manufacturing system, and business model affect the marketing practices of Chinese small firms. Furthermore, this study advocates the importance of contextual analysis when researchers investigate cross-cultural small firm marketing in different social-cultural contexts. This study provides not only a research process blended with qualitative and quantitative techniques, but also an approach to have in-depth knowledge on small firm marketing.
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