Companies often make specific investments in the cooperative relationship. However, such investments cannot be easily transferred. Specifically, if the cooperative relationship is disrupted, those investments are hard to be redeployed in other relationships. Previous research supposed that if retailers make more specific investments, they have more possibility to be controlled and be exploited by suppliers. That is the expropriation effect caused by specific investments. However, if we only use the expropriation effect to describe the effect of specific investments on the cooperative relationships, it is hard to describe the positive benefits which specific investments produce, e.g., promoting operational efficiency, reducing cost, creating value, creating joint competitive advantage, and then enhancing the cooperative relationships. Therefore, this study not only explores the expropriation effect, but also explores the bonding effect in order to fill up the gap.
This study conducts an empirical study in the context of retailer-supplier relationship to understand there is an opposite influence of the expropriation effect and bonding effect of the retailer's investments on the supplier's opportunism. The expropriation effect can increase opportunism and the bonding effect can inhibit opportunism. Therefore, whether specific investments of the retailer will produce the supplier's opportunism is decided by which one is more significant for either the expropriation effect or bonding effect caused by specific investments. Specifically, the major purpose of this study is to understand, when suppliers face the retailers' specific investments, under what kinds of situations, suppliers will expropriate the retailers, otherwise, and suppliers will feel the promotion of their relationship. This study totally proposes five moderators to explain the effect of the retailer's specific investments on the supplier's opportunism. The five moderators are the level of trust of suppliers to retailers, the level of importance of retailers to suppliers, the level of information asymmetry, the level of reputation of suppliers, the level of relationship investments of suppliers.
The population of this study is the retailers in Taiwan. The samples are acquired through the purposive sampling method. The data about the perceptions of retailers to suppliers are collected through personal interviews. This study collects 404 copies of valid questionnaires in all. After construct measures pass the test of reliability and validity, then, this study uses the hierarchical moderator regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The empirical results of this study indicate that the five moderators this study proposed moderate the effect of specific investments of the retailer on the supplier's opportunism. The situations of which the retailer's specific investments produce the supplier's opportunism (expropriation effect) are low trust of the supplier to the retailer, low importance of the retailer to the supplier, high information asymmetry between the retailer and the supplier, low reputation of the supplier, and low investments of the supplier to the cooperative relationship. On the other hand, the situations of which the retailer's specific investments do not produce the supplier's opportunism (bonding effect) are high trust of the supplier to the retailer, high importance of the retailer to the supplier, low information asymmetry between the retailer and the supplier, high reputation of the supplier, and high investments of the supplier to the cooperative relationship.
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