


Business Types and R&D Activities Performance




王曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Wang);王泰昌(Tay-Chang Wang);吳明政(Ming-Cheng Wu)


創新資本與經營績效關連程度 ; 自有品牌 ; 代工 ; 核心能耐 ; Innovation capital and performance link ; OBM ; ODM/OEM ; Core competence




25卷2期(2008 / 04 / 01)


173 - 193




本文主要研究目的在探討企業根據核心能耐選擇之經營型態(如自有品牌與代工)如何影響創新發展策略,並進一步影響研發活動績效。具體而言,本文係探討在將研發投資與專利權蓄積之創新資本轉化為具體經營績效過程中,企業根據核心能耐選擇的經營型態將扮演何種角色?研發投入對經營績效之加值效益是否會受到企業經營型態所影響?累積專利權(類別)數對於績效之加值效益是否會受到經營型態所影響? 本文建議企業研發投入與累積專利權數將會對經營績效產生正面(遞延)效益。各種累積專利權類別數將對經營績效帶來不同程度影響效果。此外,本文建議研發投入對經營績效之加值效益將會受到經營型態所影響;相較於代工企業,自有品牌企業的研發活動績效較佳。值得說明的是,當企業同時採取自有品牌與代工經營模式,研發投入對績效創造之助益將會比企業採取單純品牌或單純代工型態來的高。最後,本文建議累積專利權數為自有品牌企業帶來的經營績效,平均而言,高於代工企業。累積專利權類別數對於績效之加值效益將會因不同經營型態而呈現專屬樣貌。值得說明的是,累積發明、新型與新式樣專利權數均不能為代工企業績效帶來正面助益。


The paper aims to explore how business type, which a firm chooses according to its core competence and competitive advantage, influences a firm's innovation strategies that in turn affect its operating performance. The paper will explore that whether a firm's R&D investments have positive and lagged effects on its operating performance. In addition, the paper will examine whether the patent counts of firm have positive effects on operating performance. The paper will examine whether the categories of patents of firm have different effects on operating performance. Finally, the paper will explore that what is the role of business type during the process of turning the innovation capital accumulated through R&D investments into operating performance? Does different business type influence on the value-added benefit of operating performance brought by R&D investments? Researchers have studied on the influence of various intangible assets (i.e. R&D expenditure) to firm performance and stock price in recent years. The paper relates intangible assets to strategy research issues and analyzes how do business types of firms affect the linkage of R&D capitals and performance. As for strategy literature, based on resource-based theory, researchers generally state that a firm will take core competence and competitive advantage into consideration while choosing a proper business type. However, no previous researches have studied on whether the choice of business type will influence innovation investment strategies and operating performance. This paper uses large sample data to demonstrate that business type will influence the creation of firm value through formulating strategies that will affect innovation development. This paper presents an important and clear research argument on the choice of business type, the formulation of innovation development strategies and creation of performance. The results of the paper are as follows. First, the paper shows that R&D expenditures by a high-tech firm have positive and lagged effects on operating performance. The categories of patents (the invention patents, utility model patents and design patents) do have different effects on operating performance. Second, the paper suggests that the value-added effect to operating performance of R&D investments by a high-tech firm will be affected by its own business type. The paper finds that on average, the performance resulted from R&D activities in OBM firms is better than that in ODM/OEM firms. The linkage of R&D investment and performance will increase gradually comparing ODM/OEM to OBM firms. Note particularly, the paper finds that R&D expenditures can contribute more for performance when firms adopt the hybrid type. Finally, the paper suggests that compared to ODM/OEM firms, the patent counts on average can create more benefits for OBM firms. The performance paths that the categories of patents can contribute for OBM and ODM/OEM firms show firm-specific features. Note particularly, the paper finds that compared with OBM firms, ODM/OEM firms cannot benefit from the invention patents, utility model patents and design patents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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