


A Dynamic Capability Perspective on the Relations between the Business Process Change and the Network Status Reshape




吳建明(Chien-Ming Wu);胡哲生(Jer-San Hu)


企業網路 ; 動態能力 ; 經營流程變革 ; 價值創造 ; Business Network ; Dynamic Capability ; Business Process Change ; Value Creation




26卷2期(2009 / 04 / 01)


145 - 166






Due to the influence of global resource deployment and product technology, the product value is usually determined by brand enterprises and vendors, the raw material suppliers and manufacturers are inferior in terms of operating status. This study concerns about how the material suppliers can create and sustain their competitive advantages in the business network under such circumstance. A case consisting of material suppliers and brand enterprises were studied. The activities of this study are phased over two stages. First, it is to reveal the activities relationship within material supplier, brander, and clothier, and inductive the type of business network. Secondly, it is to reveal the evolution of material supplier's inner-as well as outer-environmental entities, business process change, value creation and business network status. By carefully examining a profound observation and in-depth interview, this study intended to establish an explicit interpretation for the relations among the member interaction in operating process, the importance of operation, and the network prototype. The inferiority of transformed Taiwanese business environment due to the drastic globalization, information technology innovation and the new competitions rapidly arising in Southeast Asia was the main reason leaded us to start the study. It would be expected to benefit this enterprise if we can discover how the successful Taiwanese enterprise can overcome the detrimental environment as mentioned; nowadays. Among it, we strongly concern how to preserve the enterprises' sustain competitive competence, build the dynamic capability, and promote information technology's performance. The results indicated that upstream supplier which can sustain or even create competitive advantages during the business network evolution process and carry dynamic capacity. Meanwhile, the successful enterprise can combine the dynamic capacity within the network condition to change the business process and establish advantage network value as well as network status. The case studied revealed the fact that an enterprise must contiguously observe and clarify its network position in business network, and so that it could place the dynamic capability on the core scope of its business network. Furthermore, for enhancing the effects of the operating performance, an enterprise has to be flexible enough in terms of inter-organizational cooperation and leaning. A business network is based on the complementation and heterogeneous characteristics of its members, therefore the development, good or bad, of the business network is strongly affected by every of the members' ability and status. Finally, an enterprise must exam network condition and status when applying information system application. An enterprise will be more powerful on the network status and network value if it enhances its whole network performance combining with business process changing activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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